Brand new tower   1661
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1 Trzy Korony
2 Luban - lookout tower
3 Ladový stit
4 Gerlach
5 I think everybody knows :)
6 Gorc Kamienicki - lookout tower
7 Turbacz
8 Kudlon
9 Babia Gora
10 Jasien
11 Szczebel
12 Mogielica - lookout tower
13 Snieznica
14 Lopien
15 Cichon
16 Kamionna
17 Ostra
18 Patria
19 Wierch nad Kamieniem
20 Radziejowa
21 Koziarz - lookout tower


Location: Modyn (1029 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 03.10.2021
Modyn is an antother hill with lookout tower. Ascent is very quick - about 40 minutes from Millenium Cross in village Mlynczyska.


Good tour tip. Want to be there sometime too at clear air.
2021/10/08 14:00 , Jörg Braukmann

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Konrad Sus


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