Coming down from Matanna   6980
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1 Monte Matanna, 1317m
2 Monte Nona, 1297m
3 Pania della Croce, 1860m
4 Pania Secca, 1711m
5 Monte Croce, 1312m
6 Monte Giovo, 1990m
7 Monte Piglione
8 Monte Prana, 1218m
9 Lago di Massaciuccoli
10 Torre del Lago Puccini
11 Viareggio
12 Camaiore
13 Monte Gabberi, 1109m
14 Monte Matanna, 1317m


Location: Monte Matanna      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 26 May 2021
This pano was taken coming down from Monte Matanna. The descent path was different from the ascent path, visible in pano 29260.


It feels like the weather started to clear up as soon as you left the summit area. Both panos are very enjoyable.
2021/06/15 00:19 , Augustin Werner
Indeed. Visibility was good both uphill and downhill. But the top was covered in clouds. I waited two hours at the top for the clouds to go away, but they went away by the time I was down.
Murphy's law?
2021/06/15 09:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Amazingly beautiful landscape panorama, Giuseppe !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2021/06/15 17:41 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Beautiful landscape. I know the effect very well when the maximum clouds are when I am on the summit, and I look back up in envy later in the afternoon. Cheers, Martin
2021/06/15 19:14 , Martin Kraus
Wonderful rugged landscape. BR Jan.
2021/06/16 00:39 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Looks like a fresh day. I enjoy viewing it now during this ugly hot weather here.
LG Jörg
2021/06/19 10:44 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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