Ostend beach, strand van Oostende   71423
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1 Thermae Palace hotel, 1.03 km
2 Mariakerke, 2.5-3.5 km
3 Middelkerke, 8-9 km
4 Nieuwpoort, 16 km
5 Oost-Duinkerke, 20 km
6 De Panne - Koksijde, 23-27 km
7 Pier harbor of Nieuwpoort, 15.9 km
8 Port of Dunkirk, France, 43-44 km


Location: Oostende (35 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Belgium      Date: 2020 07 03 17:41 CEST
Belgium has a shoreline of only 67 km. The city of Ostend (Oostende in Dutch) is situated about in the middle and called the queen of seaside resorts. It was very windy that day and the first weekend after the corona lockdown, so not that many people were on the beach yet.
At right you see the new dams of the port of Ostend. Looking in SW direction, you can see half of the Belgian coastline up to the border with France: starting with the apartment blocks in Mariakerke (2-3 km), Raversijde, Middelkerke (8-9 km), Nieuwpoort (15.9 km) with pier, Oost-Duinkerke (20 km) and De Panne-Koksijde (23-27 km). Some factories at the Port of Dunkirk (France) (43-44 km) are visible too but hardly distinguishable on this downsized version. It was quite a difficult panorama to stitch with the waves, the fast moving cloud shadows and nearby perspective of the balustrade.

Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 20 p RAW, 31 mm (49.6 mm KB), iso 125, f 13, 1/400, day light, PTguiPro 28870x3760 437.5 MB TIFF , downsized 3840x500 776 KB JPEG


2020/07/09 06:18 , Horst Muschert
Not an easy work, but you solved it very well. Regarding the riddle I have no clue...
2020/07/09 08:24 , Jens Vischer
Mooi werk, strand Terneuzen?
2020/07/09 11:31 , Arjan Veldhuis
Horst should be right, then with Mariakerke in the background. Cheers, Martin
2020/07/09 11:39 , Martin Kraus
Yes gentlemen indeed it is Oostende beach!
2020/07/09 23:51 , Mentor Depret
A panorama of Ostend has so far been missing. Thank you and well done!
2020/07/10 16:52 , Jörg Braukmann
thx for the nice comments guys, appreciated!
2020/07/10 20:17 , Mentor Depret

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Mentor Depret

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