Asiago   31139
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Location: Asiago (1004 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 13-06-2020
It is hard for me to believe that the square of Asiago lies at only 21 km ("as the crow flies") from my home. It is also true that there is a 2000-m-high rock barrier dividing my valley from this world: cycling home through Asiago, after playing in Luserna for the celebration of Sant'Antonio da Padova, made for a total of 145 km, just to remind that the bicycle is not a crow.
The last month of May, with the prohibition to cross the regional border between Trentino and Veneto, recreated the same conditions as before 1915-18. On May 31 I had cycled to the Osteria all'Antico Termine, the former border between Italy and Austria in the Val d'Assa, now between Trento and Vicenza. To be honest, two days later, on June 2, just a few hours before the re-opening or regional borders, I had trespassed into Veneto for a few hundreds of metres, in order to reach the top of Monte Coppolo (Alpen Panoramen N.37479), but I do not know how many people know that its three summits actually lie beyond the border.
So, this was in practice my first post-virus tour beyond the former border of the Empire. Passing through Grigno, once its last village in Valsugana, I did not find the old wall iscription "Nel segno del littorio abbiamo vinto", a reminder of Mussolini times... The wall has been recently repainted - incidentally, I do not agree with the permission to delete such precious historical memories. However, on a close wall I found the inscription "Die Ehre des Regiments muss dir über alles gehn!", dominated from above by an Habsburg eagle, painted on both sides of a window, and accompanied by the words "Sieg oder Tod im Alpenrot!"
So strange can turn out a simple tour in the vicinity of home...


Contrary to your description, there is sufficient evidence here on PP that the depicted bike can actually cross even higher mountains ;-) Cheers, Martin
2020/06/15 19:49 , Martin Kraus
If any Bike on earth 
is a crow, then this one!
Thanks for the pano and your thoughts about our world.
2020/06/15 20:34 , Matthias Knapp
I would answer the authors of these writings, Mussolini obviously included, with a Latin saying that I do not translate into English: stultorum mater sempiter gravida.
2020/06/15 22:15 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Pedrotti Alberto

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