From Sólo to Guillaumet   41211
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1 Cerro Solo, 2121
2 Cerro Grande, 2751
3 Punta Paganella
4 Paso Doblado
5 Cerro Ñato, 2797
6 Colle Trento
7 Cerro Adela Sur, 2840
8 Cerro Adela Central, 2938
9 Cerro Adela Norte, 2825
10 Col de la Esperanza
11 Cerro Torre, 3102
12 Cerro Egger, 2850
13 Cerro Standhardt, 2730
14 Techado Negro, 2152
15 Aguja Saint-Exupéry, 2558
16 Aguja Rafael Juarez, 2483
17 N.19454
18 Aguja Poincenot, 3002
19 Kakito
20 N.22344
21 Loma de las Pizarras, 1685
22 N.18401
23 Fitz Roy, 3405
24 Piler Goretta
25 Aguja Val Biois
26 Aguja Mermoz, 2732
27 Aguja Guillaumet, 2579


Location: Unknown (400 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Argentina      Date: 14-02-2014
A nearly impossible riddle!
I mean, identifying the subject of this photo taken exactly six years ago.


Hmm...I´ve got no idea where this could possibly be :P
2020/02/14 09:31 , Johannes Ha
I have a quite similar picture hanging in my living room, maybe my wife knows the solution ;-)
2020/02/14 09:44 , Jens Vischer
I think the solution of the riddle can be found in the typical sky - there are no clouds there ... and it never rains, mostly :-)) !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2020/02/14 11:55 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Yes, the sky is indeed the clearest hint for the Betrachter...
2020/02/14 21:03 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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