Mediterranean Street Scenery   10894
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1 Saint Andrea
2 Corso del Popolo
3 Calle Olivotti
4 Colonna Vigo
5 Corso del Popolo


Location: Chioggia, Corso del Populo (5 m)      by: Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Area: Italy      Date: August 2019
Should be fairly simple to solve :-)

Warning: Even though this 360° Panorama seems mostly without any major glitch, be warned nonetheless because the scenery is mostly based on my personal imagination. People, buildings as well as visible object do exist, however ... :-)


A true "walkway of the people" / ein Spazierweg des Volkes.

On the one side water; on the other somehow too …

An einem Ende das Wasser - am anderen - na ja, irgendwie auch.
2020/01/29 19:20 , Christoph Seger
The road you are Looking at in the center of the frame is named (most likely) after a former bishop of a nearby town who Shares his first name with the most prominent Italian her at pp.
2020/01/29 19:28 , Christoph Seger
Yes it is easy to solve. If I'm not mistaken in the distance you can also see a lion ;-)
2020/01/29 20:05 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Resolved yesterday within an hour! Thank you.

In regards to the mentioned personal taste, the sky is actually 100% fake. That afternoon we had blue sky, sorry.
2020/01/30 08:12 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Another hit, HJ! 
Let me correct Giuseppe: that is not a lion... it's a cat!!! But please don't say this to the inhabitants of this city. They could get very angry and very sorry!
Jokes aside: I hope you have also visited the church of S. Domenico, where you can see a big magnificent wooden crucifix, very ancient and dramatic, carried by the sea from nobody knows where, hence surrounded by an aura of legend and object of a very devout cult by the inhabitants of the town.
Ciao, Alvise
2020/01/30 09:14 , Alvise Bonaldo
Dramatic Sunset 4 ;-)

Caution! The panorama can contain traces of real images! :-))
2020/01/30 18:49 , Werner Schelberger
Nice one!!! :-D
2020/01/30 19:29 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
2020/01/31 21:50 , Giuseppe Marzulli
El Gato de Ciosa 
An nice article about the "Lion" :-)
2020/01/31 21:52 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Zum Rätseln hatte ich diese Woche keine Gelegenheit, aber an diesem wunderbaren Werk kann man sich ja auch am Wochenende drauf noch erfreuen.
Ich denke, ich hatte schon mal gefragt, warum sich die Leute in Venedig gegenseitig auf den Füßen stehen, wo es doch auch solch offensichtlich attraktive Orte wie hier gibt.
VG Martin
2020/02/02 16:55 , Martin Kraus

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Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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