Llanganuco in good weather   112783
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1 Chopicalqui, 6356
2 Portachuelo de Llanganuco, 4767
3 Huascaran Sur, 6768
4 Huascaran Norte, 6605
5 Laguna Orgoncocha
6 6160
7 Huandoy 6356
8 Huandoy 6395
9 6000
10 Pisco, 5752
11 5700


Aufnahmestandort: Llanganuco (4701 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Peru      Datum: 15-08-2019
Here is the version of the following day

Position: -9.04606 -77.59298
Larger: http://bit.ly/36BJYm8


La cosa più impressionante è quella bicicletta...
28.01.2020 23:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Concordo con Giuseppe!!! 
Che effetto fa pedalare a 5000 metri?
Ciao, Alvise
29.01.2020 09:14 , Alvise Bonaldo
My first thought was also Passo Stelvio. Looks like a great descent with the bike, if there wasn't the ascent before.
29.01.2020 10:10 , Jens Vischer
Alvise: nessun effetto particolare, se sei acclimatato.
Poi qui sul Llanganuco la sconnessione della strada prevale su qualsiasi altra considerazione.
In Ladakh, poi, ci sono passi ben piú alti, a partire dal famoso Khardung La
Un elenco ragionato la feci nel panorama N.18327

Jens: especially with a road like this, I prefer by far the ascent...
While descending I was envious of this guy: http://bit.ly/2O8YvQ9
29.01.2020 13:07 , Pedrotti Alberto
Sagenhaft, diese Berge, die Du allein auf dieser Tour fotografiert hast, Alberto. Eins schöner und beeindruckender als das andere.
29.01.2020 18:22 , Heinz Höra
Cycling at 4700m, my deepest respect and homage. I wouldn't have the breathing for taking pictures :-) Bravo!
29.01.2020 19:18 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer
Looks very dry and tough, but at the same time well worth the effort!
29.01.2020 22:55 , Johannes Ha
Berauschende Exotik!
Nimmt einem die Luft weg!
30.01.2020 09:14 , Walter Schmidt
30.01.2020 18:44 , Werner Schelberger
Congratulations on the documentation of this excellent view!
31.01.2020 18:46 , Rainer Hillebrand
Da möchte ich wirklich nicht runterfahren.
03.02.2020 16:36 , Dieter Leimkötter

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Pedrotti Alberto

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