Dal Faro Voltiano   81222
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1 La Bessanese, 3592m
2 Castello di Zumaglia
3 Monte Rovella, 889m
4 (Gran Paradiso), 4061m
5 Lago di Varese
7 Monte Piogera, 1249m
8 Monte del Falo', 1080m
9 Corno Rosso, 3023m
10 Monte Mottarone, 1491m
12 Santa Maria del Monte
13 Campo dei Fiori, 1226m
14 Arcisate
15 Monte Monarco, 858m
16 Monte Massone, 2161m
17 Monte Minisfreddo, 1045m
18 Monte Nudo, 1235m
19 Monte della Colonna, 1203m
20 Pizzo Proman, 2098m
21 Monte Orsa, 993m
22 Monte Pravello, 1017m
23 Monte Piambello, 1129m
24 Monte Zeda, 2156m
25 Tremona
26 Meride
27 Sagno
28 Pioda di Crana, 2430m
29 Monte Limidario, 2188m


Location: Brunate      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 26 April 2019

The "Faro Voltiano" (Volta Lighthouse) was built in 1927 and it is located up in San Maurizio Brunate. The Lighthouse is dedicated to scientist Alessandro Volta. The Faro is an octagonal tower, 29 meters high, and dominates the lake, the prealps and it offers a majestic view of Lake Como and the distant Alps.


Amazing view! Maybe from a small church called S.S.d.P.?
2019/10/27 14:24 , Werner Schelberger
Hi Werner. The pano was not taken from a church, but from a fairly famous vantage point.
2019/10/27 16:59 , Giuseppe Marzulli
The area is straightforward to find, but due to the long focal length not the place. Have come across Werner's church, but you are a bit more to the east. Could it be that you stand near the Croce dell'...? Cheers, Martin
2019/10/27 17:38 , Martin Kraus
I'm at the top of a famous "lighthouse". Perhaps outside Italy it is little known.
2019/10/27 17:51 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ah...even further. Faro V...?
2019/10/27 17:57 , Martin Kraus
The location I meant was the Chiesa Santo Stefano di Pedrinate, not far away from here.
2019/10/27 20:21 , Werner Schelberger
I have never been to that church and I didn't know it, but I sensed that you had identified the area....
2019/10/27 22:45 , Giuseppe Marzulli
A very impressive location - please plan a visit again, if the weather allows a clear view to the Alps ;-) !!!

Un caro saluto, Hans-Jörg
2019/11/03 20:10 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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