Hindeloopen Het Oost (Seadyk)   11089
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Location: Het Oost, Hindeloopen (1 m)      by: Arjan Veldhuis
Area: Netherlands      Date: 12 september 2019
Recording from the bench of the old boat shed (1911) of the North-South Holland rescue company. From this location they went rowing with the wooden lifeboat, which is still there, into the sea. (See photo Hindeloopen Haven).

The place where Hindeloopen now stands was already inhabited in the 8th century and suffered greatly from the Normans. Around 825 the name "Hindolop" is used for this settlement in a charter. The city rights date from the 13th century. Hindeloopen had many trade relations with Lubeck and other Hanseatic cities in the Middle Ages, but did not become a Hanseatic city itself. Timber shipping to Norway and the many contacts with Amsterdam were also important for the heyday of Hindeloopen, which lasted until the end of the 17th century.

In the 18th century, trade and shipping in Hindeloopen deteriorated and the economic boom came to an end. After the construction of the Afsluitdijk in 1932, the size of the fishing fleet gradually decreased. In the marina of Hindeloopen these days - especially in the summer season - are mainly recreational boats and restored old ships.

Canon G1X, 28 mm KB, portrait mode, made without a tripod
Copyright old photo: Stichting Stadsherstel Hindeloopen.


I read your description this afternoon with great interest, Arjan - a very good idea to combine history with current pictorial material. This work is my favorite - in the other one you should reduce the sharpness a bit (subjectively).

Many greetings, Hans-Jörg
2019/09/26 17:36 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle

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Arjan Veldhuis

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