On the way to Larkya La   51485
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1 Pawar Himal, 6406
2 6021
3 5804
4 5839
5 5501
6 5643
7 (Sonam Himal, 6541)
8 5860
9 Larkya Himal, 6249
10 5802
11 (Larkya La, 5160)


Location: Below Larkya La (5003 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Nepal      Date: 15-05-2019
Larkya La is the pass (5160 m) that has to be crossed in order to complete the Manaslu circuit, which is commonly done ascending east through the Buri Gandaki and descending west to the Marsyangdi valley, already belonging to the Annapurna circuit.
The previous day I had ascended a 5501 m peak among the ones visible on the right side. For now I set the mark at 65°, and maybe it is correct, but I need to examine the photos taken in the storm (as soon as I find the time) to look for a confirmation.

Location: 28.66305, 84.53533
Larger: https://bit.ly/2mdLMQX


Once more far beyond our European experiences. Cheers, Martin
2019/09/12 20:34 , Martin Kraus
There is an emergency here...
If you want to make these tours - Manaslu and Annapurna are among the most known - you have to move out of Europe within a short time! They are building incredible (and crazy) new roads here, and the Nepal government plans to connect Samdo (3875 m) by road within, if I am not wrong, nine years. Samdo is nearly reached by this panorama at 110°...
In my opinion, they do not know that a road needs to be not only built, blasting mountains, but also maintained, removing landslides and stones, and that - more importantly - if the first operation needs to be done only once, the second needs to be performed regularly. On mountains which are not our old and relatively stable Alps. I have seen already too many results of not considering this second aspect.
2019/09/12 20:59 , Pedrotti Alberto
L'unico appunto che si può fare a questa foto 
è che le didascalie dei label devono essere evidenziate in bianco, non in nero, perché si fa fatica a leggerle.
Ciao, Alvise
2019/09/13 09:09 , Alvise Bonaldo
Grossartig gemacht ...
2019/09/14 21:19 , Christoph Seger
Martin + Christoph: danke!

Alvise: boh... ti dirò che vedendo l'interesse che sussiste per un panorama il quale - fossre anche brutto - apre una regione del tutto inesplorata, io le etichette le lascio come sono!
Detto per inciso, quando io non riesco a leggere etichette altrui che mi interessano, uso come ultima risorsa il tasto verde che le fa scorrere: quello crea un riquadro sempre leggibile.
Saluti Alberto.
2019/09/16 19:53 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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