We arrived at the car ferry terminal at 3.20pm that August day & realized it was too late to catch the 3.50pm boat.
The ferry ride from Tobermory at the tip of the Bruce Peninsula to Manitoulin Island lasts close to 2 hours, so we ended up on the next and last cruise of the day and arrived at our destination after dark.
As a reward a great sunset worthy of the great lakes.
7 captures in landscape orientation.
Oly OMD E M5 II with 40-150 F/2.8 lens @ 110mm 1/1000sec F/6.3 ISO400... cropped resulting in ~ 300mm KB approximately.
Jörg Braukmann, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Klaus Föhl, Dieter Leimkötter, Steffen Minack, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Gottlieb Schalberger, Björn Sothmann, Konrad Sus, Jens Vischer, Benjamin Vogel
Herzliche Grüße
Gestrickt wie immer mit PT Gui... einige Kontrollpunkte habe ich manuell in den Wolken gesetzt, denn Festland gab's in Sichtweite keines (zumindest nicht in meiner Blickrichtung).
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