Lots of flowers   51351
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1 Bielanska Kopa
2 Hlupy Vrch
3 Jatky
4 Bujaci Vrch
5 Vel`ka Svistovka


Location: Vysoke Tatry (1700 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Slovakia      Date: 17.08.2019
Today I went for mountain hike to Belianska Kopa. Weather was not ideal, but the main actors were bloomed flowers.


Similarity to the meadows in Bozi Dar/Gottesgab in the Czech Republic.
2019/08/18 05:36 , Friedemann Dittrich
Immerhin schon kurz vorm Kopske sedlo. Schön die zu Kezmarské Zlaby abfallenden Berge der Weißen Tatra. Doch wo sind die Seen Velké Bielo pleso und Trojrohé pleso?
2019/08/18 12:04 , Heinz Höra
Lakes are half hour walk from here, but higher clouds covered everything and zero visibility
2019/08/18 14:31 , Konrad Sus
Flower power pure ... great panorama !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/08/26 17:10 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Wunderbares Farbenspiel.
2019/08/30 12:28 , Dieter Leimkötter

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Konrad Sus


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