Nur-Sultan   31366
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1 Bayterek Tower
2 Ak Orda Presidential Palace


Location: Nur-Sultan (Astana)      by: Geir Anders Langangen
Area: Kazakhstan      Date: 27.04.2019
New contry on PP: Kasakhstan.
Nur-Sultan is the capital city in Kasakhstan. This city have had many different names.
From 1998 the name is Astana, when the gouverment move from Almaty to Astana.
Nursultan Nazarbayev whas the President of Kazakhstan after the dissolution of the Soviet Union,
until he resigned in March 2019. After that, the city's name was changed to Nur-Sultan (named after the ex-president).

The city is relatively new, but is already beginning to look worn down.


Next panorama 1,100 kilometers - impressive distances in this panoramic "third-world-country" ;-) ... thanks a lot for your presentation !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/05/01 08:44 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Always interesting. Cheers, Martin
2019/05/05 17:23 , Martin Kraus
City names: Akmolinsk (russ. after kasakh. Aqmola) - Celinograd (Tselinograd, russ. "New Land City") - Aqmola (kasakh. "White Grave" or "Holy City") - Astana (kasakh. "Capital City") - Nur-Sultan (after the former President) - Astana.
2022/09/20 21:36 , Olaf Kleditzsch

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Geir Anders Langangen

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