Tramonto sulle Apuane   71596
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1 Pania Secca, 1711
2 Pania della Croce, 1858
3 Pizzo delle Saette
4 Vianova
5 Sumbra, 1765
6 Fiocca, 1714
7 Cresta di Sella
8 Tambura, 1890
9 Roccandagia
10 Zucchi di Cardeto
11 Pisanino, 1947


Location: Maestā della Formica (1120 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 26-03-2016
Not impressive, but maybe instructive for experts of the Alpi Apuane.
The location, now that the map seems to be no longer accessible, is 44.09844 10.32376, on the way between Careggine and Vianova, one of the many would-be "Alpine resorts" that alas are to be found throughout Italy.


It is impressive, and by the way very beautiful!
2019/01/03 20:10 , Jens Vischer
The Apuane are still on my list, and such panoramas help to raise the priority. Cheers, Martin
2019/01/04 19:46 , Martin Kraus
I agree with Jens
2019/01/05 00:13 , Christoph Seger
Interesting and nicely done.

A pity, that the map does not work anymore.
2019/01/05 11:30 , Arne Rönsch
Ero in giro e non ho potuto commentare subito. Suppongo che abbia un qualche legame col mio San Giovanni delle Formiche. Molto interessante.
2019/01/05 20:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Gorgeous atmosphere in the wild Apuan Alps !!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2019/01/05 20:40 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Thank to you all for appreciating this less known corner of Toscana.

Arne: in the case of my pictures the problem is very easily overcome, since by following the lick to Google Photos you have the map fully available.

Giuseppe: sí, l'ho messo assieme dopo aver letto delle tue Formiche.
Preciso che a me il posto piace poco per via di quello sconcio di Vianova - e dell'idea di fare degli skilift qui e a questa quota...
D'altronde il sole fa il suo lavoro, sorge e tramonta, e noi spesso si č dove si č!
2019/01/06 14:02 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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