Hippie Paradise   42056
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1 Paximadia duo
2 Paximadia ena
3 Hippie Caves


Location: Matala (2 m)      by: Franz Kerscher
Area: Greece      Date: 30.04.2016
The artificial caves in the cliff of the Matala bay were created in the Neolithic Age. Matala was the port of Phaistos during the Minoan period. In the year 220 BC., Matala was occupied by the Gortynians, and during the Roman period, Matala became the port of Gortys. In the 1st and 2nd centuries, the caves were used as tombs. One of the caves is called "Brutospeliana" because according to the legend it was frequented by the Roman general Brutus.

Matala was then a fishing village. In the 1960s, the caves were occupied by hippies who were later driven out by the church and the military junta. Now Matala is a small village living mainly from tourism. (wiki)


Very inviting and appealing, even for non-hippies.
2018/09/07 16:22 , Jörg Braukmann
Hint for hippies: natural paradises are much better of artificial paradises ;-)
2018/09/07 19:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Hier solltest Du das Werkzeug von Björn Müller zumindest für die Mitte bemühen. Ansonsten gewohnt wunderbar natürliche Farben und ein schönes Motiv.
LG Jörg
2018/09/08 11:51 , Jörg Nitz
Den kurzen Horizont habe ich übersehen. Jetzt passt es (F5)
2018/09/10 14:57 , Franz Kerscher

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Franz Kerscher


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