Coastline with trabucchi   31464
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1 Lido Stella Marina
2 Trabucco di Molinella


Location: near Vieste (20 m)      by: Christoph Seger
Area: Italy      Date: 2018-09-02
At least some of the beauty of Gargano lies in its beaches and in the high variability of the coastline. Here in the vicinity of Vieste little bays with sandy beaches are interrupted and segmented by rocky tonguelike outcrops - some of them featuring the trabucchi (fishing huts) Giuseppe mentioned in his last Gargano contribution.

Maybe Giuseppe as a more beautiful pano picture / a closeup of a trabucco to present.

D800, 135 mm Zeiss Milvus
3 QF RAWs at 16:39 MEZ
CPO, PTGUI, GIMP, 40% crop


Unfortunately I could not make any decent pano of trabucchi. I photographed them a lot more closely, but they probably moved (by the wind or the sea) and I could not make a pano. Otherwise I would have already shown.
Trabucchi is a primitive fishing system, designed, if I remember correctly, from the Phoenicians.
Trabucchi can be compared with the pano 24135 of Mentor ;-)
2018/09/05 19:17 , Giuseppe Marzulli
In fact, it would be nice to see the Trabucci in a close-up-panorama, but it would be a pity not to see this cliffs and this beautiful turquoise water.
2018/09/05 19:36 , Werner Schelberger
Ein sehr interessanter und facettenreicher Küstenabschnitt. Für meinen persönlichen Geschmack sind die Schatten der Bäume etwas zu stark aufgehellt.
Herzliche Grüße, Matthias.
2018/09/08 22:20 , Matthias Stoffels

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Christoph Seger

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