Vesalius   101361
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1 Waterfront
2 Town Hall


Location: Terneuzen in front of town Hall (7 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Netherlands      Date: 2018 07 30 9:28 PM st
The green, bronze artwork Vesalius from Thom Puckey is permanently exposed in front of the town Hall along the Scheldeboulevard.

But I doubt if 'art' panos have a place on this site which is only obsessed with the sun, the moon, mountains and the sea.

Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 6 p RAW, 18 mm (28.8 mm KB), iso 320, f10, 1/25 s, PTGuiPro, 15202x3434 210.4 MB TIFF, no crop, downsizing>1700>1000>500 TIFF>sharpening>2214x500 550 KB JPEG


Interessantes Arrangement, guter Bildaufbau, gefühlvoll in die Blaue Stunde integriert.
Das Hochhaus geht oben etwas in die Breite. Liegt vielleicht an der Projektionsart. Versuche doch mal die Einstellung Mercator.
2018/08/31 15:15 , Dieter Leimkötter
Hochinteressant. Einmal wegen der Lage des Waterfront-Hauses und zum anderen wegen des grünen Kunstwerkes mit den Riesen-Flügeln. Hat das etwas mit dem im Mittelalter wirkenden Arzt Andreas Vesalius zu tun?
2018/08/31 18:16 , Heinz Höra
I would say the sky in your panorama is even more art than the stuff that is standing around there ;-)
2018/08/31 21:17 , Jens Vischer
Mentor, der frische Impulsgeber!
2018/08/31 21:40 , Walter Schmidt
I like your creative style and work, Mentor !!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2018/08/31 23:09 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
@Heinz, yes the artist used a 16th century drawing of Andreas Vesalius as inspiration. Here a link but it is in Dutch:
2018/08/31 23:43 , Mentor Depret
Why not Art, especially because of the excellent image composition!
Cheers, Matthias.
2018/09/01 22:06 , Matthias Stoffels
I like the presentation of art and architecture, but I have difficulties with the colours. Cheers, Martin
2018/09/02 14:22 , Martin Kraus
hi Martin, I am astonished because this is what is called creativity. The artwork comes to expression and the scene much more dramatic. If you look to the originals, one can hardly distinguish the person. Even the town Hall was an endeavour to get it geometrically acceptable from 3 pics low to the ground. Of course I made several versions.
I think this rating system should be abolished because I get annoyed by this all or none nonsense.
2018/09/02 17:39 , Mentor Depret
Ein sehr interessantes Panorama!
2018/09/11 19:55 , Hans Diter

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Mentor Depret

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