Somewhat belated I am now at the near-finish of my summernight-series. The next two panos will show the lake Arresø, the largest lake in Denmark. There are not any obvious viewpoints to showcase this lake, but I hope to show more from here sooner. At 40 km² it's between the size of Plauer See and Ammersee in Germany, for comparison.
At this date and location, the sunrise was at 04:25, so here at 03:22 it is 6° under the horizon. The civil twilight is back, and in accordance hereby, the details in the landscape is beginning to show clearly.
Pano made from 8 pics (RAW), tripod, Canon 6D, 70-200mm@78mm, iso-1600, f/4, 1/10 sec, developed in DPP (cloudy, neutral, periphal illumination, moderate sharpness), stitched in PTGui pro, downscaling and sharpening in Irfanview.
Alvise Bonaldo, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Mentor Depret, Friedemann Dittrich, Walter Huber, Franz Kerscher, Martin Kraus, Steffen Minack, Danko Rihter, Björn Sothmann, Jens Vischer
Ciao, Alvise
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