Midsummer is the period when the Galactic Center, the zero coordinate of the Milky Way is highest - although still low - above the southern horizon of our countries.
Around midnight, you can also observe, low above the southern horizon, 4 constellations of the Zodiac: Sagittarius (the Archer), Scorpius (the Scorpion), Libra (the Scales) and Virgo (the Maiden). This year however they are accompanied by 3 bright planets: Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Mars, a very clear, orange object in the SE at this moment, will reach opposition on July 27th and is already as bright as Jupiter. Yellowish Saturn can be found just above the 'Teapot' which is an easy recognizable asterism, made of 8 equally bright stars and part of Sagittarius. The spout of the Teapot points towards the Galactic Center. Bright Jupiter is just right of Libra's alpha star: Zubenelgenubi which is in fact a double star. Libra is the only complete constellation on this pano. It is difficult in our region to see the constellation of Scorpius in its entirety. The Mediterranean is certainly a better location to do that but Antares, at the heart of the scorpion, is one of the brightest stars in the sky and cannot be missed. Antares is a red supergiant about as big as Jupiters orbit around the Sun. The stinger of the scorpion is represented by 2 bright stars among which Shaula can be seen just above the horizon (although I couldn't recognize the 2nd). The head of Virgo is already below the horizon in the west. Right of the star Vindemiatrix is the location of the massive Virgo Cluster, the closest large cluster of galaxies to the Milky Way. It contains about 2000 galaxies although most of them are dwarf galaxies. The cluster has a diameter of about 15 million light years and its center is about 53.8 million light years away from Earth. The area around the Galactic Center of the Milky Way is a very busy but extremely hostile place. At a distance of about 26,000 light-years from Earth, astronomers observe a bright radio source called Sagittarius A (Sgr A) which most likely is the home of a super massive black hole of about 3.7 to 4.3 million solar masses. Recent measurements however have shown that the Sgr A radio emissions are not centered on but arise from a region close to the event horizon of the black hole. The area around the Galactic Center is also the place where many nebula's can be found: Eagle, Omega, Trifid, Cat's Paw and Lagoon to name a few. The Lagoon Nebula is quite bright and can be seen on the pano just left of the 'L'. Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 10 pics RAW, 24 mm (38.4 mm KB), iso 400, f 4.5, 13 s, PTGuiPro, 17582x3601 264.6 MB TIFF, no crop, downsized>1500>500 TIFF, sharpening>2399x500 967 MB JPEG |
Gelungen ist die Dokumentation der Lichtverschmutzung.
Bedingt durch die lange Belichtungszeit überstrahlen die Lichter der Stadt, der Industrie, den unteren Bildbereich. Hier wäre eine kürzere Belichtungszeit die bessere Wahl. Idealerweise müsste hier eine Kombination aus dem lange belichteten Himmel und der kurz belichteten Stadt her.
Wenig anfangen kann ich mit dem hellen Fleck am linken Bildrand. Falls dieser durch den Mond verursacht wurde, dann solltest du dies beschreben.
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