Morning Impression at Foz do Douro   101758
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1 Antigo sanatório de Tuberculosos da Foz do Douro
2 Jardim do Passeio Alegre
3 Marégrafo da Foz do Douro
4 Praia do Cabedelo do Douro
5 Meo Marés Vivas Festival-Gelände
6 Farol do Pontão
7 Farolins da Barra do Douro
8 Farolim das Felgueiras
9 Terminal de Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões
10 Matosinhos
11 Praia do Carneiro
12 Fortaleza de São João da Foz


Location: Farolim das Felgueiras (5 m)      by: Christoph Seger
Area: Portugal      Date: 2018-07-02
Breakfast canceling did do the trick to get this impression of the last morning of out extended (extensive) weekend with a small bunch of Tyrolians roaming the landscape for some good food and wine. The pertinacious leadership of Bruno Resi did help a lot.

Solved riddle; sovereignly solved by Matthias S.

Technical details
Fuji X-T2, handheld
HF RAWS, stitched with PTGUI after CPO treatment. Skaling and finishing touch with Gimp.

Horizon problem sustained due to unregular scatter of control points even after thorough optimization including horizontal control points. Especially critical - the duoro estuary on the lefthand half (at Farol do Pontão). Finally I applied some pixel-based horizon straightening ..


Now the sea is calm. But when I was there, near the lighthouse, there were very high waves. I am used to the waves of the Mediterranean, but the waves of the Ocean are a different thing....
2018/07/04 22:19 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Giuseppe - I think there is hardly a place were you have bot been ...

That morning the bad weather of the weekend finally passed.
I did see some nice spray prior to this picture but low tide did set in and everything calmed down even more.
2018/07/04 22:28 , Christoph Seger
I have traveled only in Europe and I know well only Italy.
Near the lighthouse there are signs that warn you not to approach in case of storm. In the days when I was, a tourist was overwhelmed by the waves.
2018/07/04 22:38 , Giuseppe Marzulli
But Europe you know very well !!

Here is an impressiv galery of a local devoted to big spray shots at this location
2018/07/04 22:39 , Christoph Seger
When I was there, it was more or less like that ;-)
2018/07/04 22:44 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Lucky you !!
2018/07/04 22:48 , Christoph Seger
I do not get scared easily, but that time I got scared ;-)
2018/07/04 22:50 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Knüppeldicke Herausforderung!
2018/07/05 00:31 , Walter Schmidt
Herrliches Licht.
2018/07/05 15:54 , Steffen Minack
Für dieses wunderschöne Motiv hat sich die Nacharbeit gelohnt.
LG Jörg
2018/07/15 11:57 , Jörg Nitz

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Christoph Seger

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