Sotoportego del Banco Giro   32263
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1 San Giacometo
2 Gobbo di Rialto


Location: Sotoportego del Banco Giro (1 m)      by: Alvise Bonaldo
Area: Italy      Date: 20.5.2018
Fuji X-E1 + XC 16-50
30 jpeg verticali a mano libera
esposizione manuale, ISO 100, 1/125, f/4.5

Nel 1514 un furioso incendio devastō tutta l'area commerciale e mercantile di Rialto, centro economico di Venezia (ma anche mitologico primo nucleo di fondazione della cittā - la fondazione della chiesa di San Giacometo viene fatta risalire dalla tradizione al 25 marzo 421), e costrinse il Senato a ricostruire tutta la zona (e pochi anni pių tardi anche il vetusto ponte di legno ormai a rischio di crollo). Il sotoportego del banco giro era la sede dei pių importanti banchi, cioč degli antenati delle moderne banche commerciali e d'affari. Una vera e propria Wall Street veneziana. Le costruzioni sovrastanti vengono chiamate Fabbriche Vecchie per distinguerle dalle Fabbriche Nove affacciate sul Canal Grande verso l'attuale mercato. Tutta la zona offre un razionale equilibrio di spazi pubblici e privati.

In 1514 a raging fire devastated the entire commercial and mercantile area of Rialto, the economic center of Venice (but also the mythological first nucleus of foundation of the city - the foundation of the church of San Giacometo is traced back from tradition to March 25, 421), and forced the Senate to rebuild the whole area (and a few years later even the ancient wooden bridge now at risk of collapse). The sotoportego del Banco Giro was the seat of the most important "banchi", that is, the ancestors of modern commercial and business banks. A real Venetian Wall Street. The buildings above are called Fabbriche Vecchie to distinguish them from the Fabbriche Nove facing the Grand Canal near the current market. The whole area offers a rational balance of public and private spaces.


I know this view very well and you take the early morning for this scene ;-)
Venetian Wall Street: Ultimately, it was the financial difficulties after the opening of the new Portuguese routes to India, which forced the city in 1524 to establish a publicly accessible bank that was able to provide the necessary liquidity - at the same time ancestor of modern banks.
2018/05/27 21:49 , Werner Schelberger
Faszinierend in Bildaufbau und Tiefenwirkung.
2018/05/28 20:25 , Dieter Leimkötter
All panos of the current collaborative coverage of Venice are enjoyable, but this viewpoint is exceptional. Cheers, Martin
2018/06/02 12:02 , Martin Kraus

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Alvise Bonaldo

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