Agritur Paradiso   72050
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1 Agritur Paradiso
2 Caldiera, 2124
3 Cima Dodici, 2334
4 Portule, 2307
5 Porta Manazzo, 1795
6 Cima Vezzena, 1908
7 Panarotta, 2002
8 Fravort, 2347
9 Monte Cola q. 2117
10 Baiti Trenca
11 Col del Chelder, 2162


Location: Agritur Paradiso (1645 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Italy      Date: 01-04-2018
This work will possibly be classified as Werbung by the most enlightened, but the place is indeed one of my favourites in the home mountains.



You always make Werbung for your home mountains ;-))
2018/04/05 06:27 , Christoph Seger
lot of snow this year - isn't it?
2018/04/05 06:28 , Christoph Seger
sulla strada... 
... per Monte Cola?
Ciao, Alvise
2018/04/05 09:17 , Alvise Bonaldo
Equipped for all eventualities ;-)
2018/04/05 19:45 , Werner Schelberger
Christoph: seems a lot, but actually, when compared with 2009...

Alvise: Si, è l'accesso dalla parte di Ronchi anziché da quella piú nota di Roncegno.

Wernet: yes, you need to switch equipment here - or, at most, a dozen of metres later.
2018/04/05 20:06 , Pedrotti Alberto
Werbung allowed in this case. Interesting road conditions. And a great sky. Cheers, Martin
2018/04/07 20:16 , Martin Kraus
Bei dem Wetter mit der Rad; Respekt!
2018/05/01 11:20 , Friedemann Dittrich

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Pedrotti Alberto

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