The Moscow Maersk, commissioned a few months ago, is the 3rd member of the Tripple E second generation series. The ship is 399 m long, 58.6 m wide, has a deadweight of 210019 tonnes and can carry 20568 TEU's (for the explanation please check pano 22270). The ship is enormous, just compare with the lilliputian at her side.
The Moscow, together with her sister ships: Madrid, Munich and Milan are the 4th biggest container carriers in the world and only surpassed by 3 recently commissioned ships from OOCL able to carry 21413 TEU's. Yes this race to be the biggest sees no ending.....
Canon Eos M6, EF-M 18-150 mm, 8 pics, 60 mm (96 mm KB), iso 160, f 8, 1/500, PTGui Pro, 25666x3476 359.6MB TIFF, cropped to h=2413, downsized: 5318x500 917 KB JPEG
Pedrotti Alberto, Hans-Jürgen Bayer, Hans-Jörg Bäuerle, Friedemann Dittrich, Velten Feurich, Manfred Hainz, Leonhard Huber, Walter Huber, Heinz Höra, Martin Kraus, Giuseppe Marzulli, Steffen Minack, Jörg Nitz, Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Danko Rihter, Björn Sothmann, Matthias Stoffels, Jens Vischer
Really a big vessel. Well stitched.
LG Jörg
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