Terneuzen center colored   81838
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1 City of Ghent, 30-36 km
2 Planet Saturn


Location: Terneuzen Waterfront (70 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Netherlands      Date: 2017 09 22 8:27 PM st
Once a year in September, there is a small fair in Terneuzen. Not that I am a great fan of this but it offered an opportunity to see the center a bit differently. At the same time the crescent moon and even Saturn were nicely present.

Canon Eos M6 with EF-M 18-150 mm, 9 pics, 35 mm (56 mm KB), iso 100, F 5, 1 s, PTGuiPro, 24954x3710 372 MB TIFF, crop to 3497, downsized 3452x500 804 KB


The moon looks great. Too bad the picture does not go further on the right side (I know this is not possible).
2017/11/24 08:58 , Jens Vischer
sehr schön, nur leider rechts zu kurz ... LG Alexander
2017/11/25 15:28 , Alexander Von Mackensen
@ Alexander: I would love to make it longer but this is the maximum angle of view at this side of the building.
2017/11/25 21:11 , Mentor Depret
Maybe a bit narrower and without planet Saturn, then you'd be over 4000 pixels and the structures would be slightly larger. On the horizon, the lights could be more structured. The reflections of the lights in the front right area should actually be straight.
2017/11/25 21:44 , Heinz Höra
@ Heinz, of course I tried a narrower pano but I sticked with this one because the moon and the colored sky also need room to come to expression. This kind of panos simply need more pixel height. About the light reflections which seem a little bit curved, I can't do anything. It is more or less also on the originals, maybe lens deformation.
2017/11/26 19:32 , Mentor Depret
My first look goes to the crescent and the red lightened sky at the end. The saturn for me is not really nescessary in this great scenery ;-)
LG Jörg
2017/11/27 20:58 , Jörg Nitz
Thx for the comments guys.
2017/11/27 22:24 , Mentor Depret
Starke Aufnahmen, links zwar evtl etwas dunkel aber schon sehr beeindruckend mit Mond und Lichtern rechts..

LG Seb
2017/12/01 17:44 , Sebastian Becher

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Mentor Depret

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