In the nave of Holy Willibrordus Basilica in Hulst   42570
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1 pano 22117


Location: Hulst (10 m)      by: Mentor Depret
Area: Netherlands      Date: 2017 08 27
We are here in the nave of the Holy Willibrordus Basilica, considered the most beautiful Gothic church in the Netherlands.
The church was built in the 15th century by architects Everaert Spoorwater and the Keldermans family (many family members were architects) who were also involved with the building of the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp.
Originally it was a Roman Catholic church but during the 80 year war, it became protestant. Later, Napoleon changed it into partly protestant and Roman Catholic. In 1929 the church became fully Roman Catholic again when the catholic bought the nave from the protestant. A few years later, Pope Pius XI elevated the church to basilica.

The choir: pano 22117
Basilica outside: pano 22137

CanonG1Xmark2, 17 pics, 28.22 mm (53 mm KB), iso 800, f 3.5, 1/80 s. Stitched with Hugin, cylindrical projection. Downsized: 3153x500 px, 940 KB.


Great stuff - well done! Cheers, Martin
2017/09/08 21:09 , Martin Kraus
thx Martin, I appreciate!
2017/09/08 21:43 , Mentor Depret
Great work, Mentor !!

Best regards, Hans-Jörg
2017/09/11 00:09 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
thx Hans-Jörg, I am happy with that.
2017/09/11 01:08 , Mentor Depret

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Mentor Depret

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