Val di Magra   102248
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1 Fosdinovo
2 Castelnuovo Magra
3 Fiume Magra
4 (Monte Sagro), 1748m
5 Ortonovo
6 Nicola di Ortonovo
7 (Carrara)
8 Massa (Castello Malaspina)
9 Fiume Magra


Location: Ameglia      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 17 April 2017


Well Giuseppe, it is likely in Italy at the foot of the Alps and the beginning of the Po basin and probably not so far from your home. More I cannot guess.
2017/07/23 21:43 , Mentor Depret
Hi Mentor. I'm away from home. The shooting point is about 2 km from the sea.
2017/07/23 22:16 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Seems to be a thin river. 
going from the left to the right.
2017/07/23 23:12 , Matthias Knapp
Yes, Matthias. One can see a river flowing from left to right.
2017/07/23 23:20 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I mean: a THIN River 
2017/07/23 23:46 , Matthias Knapp
You are right. It's a Thin river.
2017/07/23 23:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I explain. The river is the Magra. Magra is thin in English.
Tomorrow for description and labels.
2017/07/23 23:58 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Alberto: so che conosci bene queste zone.
2017/07/24 00:02 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ho lasciato l'indizio per il minor tempo possibile per pura... scaramanzia. La quota di quel monte è infatti 1109, che considero un numero nefasto per il sottoscritto - troppo complicato spiegare il perché.
Saluti, Alberto.
2017/07/24 00:43 , Pedrotti Alberto
What a shame: I searched in the right area last night, but I simply did not recognize.

Nice pano!
2017/07/24 08:21 , Arne Rönsch

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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