Tuscania   52220
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1 Chiesa di San Lorenzo
2 Viterbo
3 Monte Cimino, 1053m
4 Castello del Rivellino
5 Monte Fogliano, 965m
6 Chiesa di San Pietro
7 Chiesa Santa Maria Maggiore


Location: Tuscania      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 13 April 2017

Tuscania, despite its name, is not in Tuscany, but in the north of the Lazio Region.
Its architecture is somewhat halfway between Tuscany and Lazio.
Is a very beautiful little town that deserves to be seen if you are passing by those parts.



Of course I don't know so I guess somewhere in Italy near the French border. Tell me Giuseppe, why can you publish so many panos, while I get: allocation of 2 used, have to wait 7 days?
2017/07/16 21:18 , Mentor Depret
Hi Mentor. I think it would be useful to bring from 2 to 3 the weekly entries.
In this riddle we are not close to the French border. I seemed to have read a different suggestion before. It was not right, but it was closer.
2017/07/16 21:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Impressive landscape and architecture ... I don't know where it is, perhaps somewhere in the Appenin??

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2017/07/17 12:15 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Hallo Hans-Jörg. The town is not in the Appenines, but the mountains that are seen in the distance are Appennines.
2017/07/17 18:45 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Sorry, I did not feel competent to solve this. But thanks for showing all those great places in Italy. Cheers, Martin
2017/07/20 21:01 , Martin Kraus

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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