The 4th tower   83270
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1 Mogielica - 1171 m
2 Kamionna - 801 m
3 Salasz - 793 m
4 Jaworz - 921 m
5 Modyn - 1029 m
6 Rossochatka - 715 m
7 Jaworze - 886 m
8 Kozie Zebro 898 m
9 Wierch nad Kamieniem - 1083 m
10 Radziejowa - 1266 m
11 Koziarz - 943 m (1 th tower)
12 Wysoka Pieninska - 1052 m
13 Luban - 2th tower
14 Luban - 1225 m
16 Magurki - 3th tower
17 Turbacz - 1310 m
18 Pilsko - 1557 m
19 Babia Gora - 1725 m
20 Kudlon - 1274 m
21 Lubon Wielki - 1022 m
22 Szczebel - 977 m
23 Lubogosz - 968 m


Location: Gorc Kamienicki (1246 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 30.01.2017
This is my first trip in year 2017. I completed towers built in 2015 grom project which I descibed on previous panoramas from Koziarz, Luban or Magurki. Today conditions were very good, beautiful winter, nice clarity. Ascent to top from village Zasadne - about 1,5 hour, but I must waited for my children. Gorc is very good sight point to Beskid Wyspowy range, and - like always Tatry were eye-catching.


What a great view! The reflexes in the middle are disturbing. Maybe you can reduce blue still a little.
2017/01/30 19:33 , Jörg Braukmann
Reflexes removed and little less blue
2017/01/30 21:11 , Konrad Sus
Much better now. Great view. Cheers, Martin
2017/01/30 21:18 , Martin Kraus
Great landscape!
2017/01/31 08:50 , Jens Vischer
Impressive composition and great landscape!!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2017/01/31 10:13 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Great Pano and a impressive Landscape with the Tatry in the background!
2017/02/01 08:43 , Sebastian Becher
Great Pano and a impressive Landscape with the Tatry in the background!
2017/02/01 08:43 , Sebastian Becher
Beautiful view point! Are you sure that the location ist exactly marked on the satellite map? I think it´s a little farther west on the summit.
2017/02/06 15:15 , Friedemann Dittrich

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Konrad Sus


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