Bergamo   83023
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1 Chiesa di San Marco
2 Poste
3 Punta Lunella, 2772m; 205,2Km
4 Rocciamelone, 3538m; 215,4Km
5 Baluardo di San Giacomo
6 Monte Lera, 3355m; 208,9Km
7 Porta San Giacomo
8 Croce Rossa, 3565m; 209,3Km
9 Chiesa di Santa Caterina
10 Liceo Classico Sarpi
11 Punta D'Arnas, 3554m
12 Porta sant' Agostino
13 Pointe de Charbonnel (F), 3752m; 214,9Km
14 Santa Maria Maggiore (campanile)
15 Duomo
16 Rocca
17 Torre del Gombito
19 Complesso di Sant'Agostino
20 Gran Ciamarella, 3676m; 206,8Km
21 Torre Civica (Campanone), 6,1Km
22 Baluardo del Pallone
23 Seminario Giovanni XXIII
24 Wolken
25 Porta Garibaldi (San Lorenzo)
26 Chiesa di San Vigilio, 496m
27 Colle di San Vigilio
28 Chiesa di Valverde
29 Colle della Bastia, 508m
30 Monte Canto, 710m
31 Corno Bianco, 3320m
32 Punta Straling, 3115m
33 Pyramide Vincent, 4215m
34 Punta Parrot (Parrotspitze), 4432m
35 Punta Gnifetti (Signalkuppe), 4554m
37 Punta Zumstein (Zumsteinspitze), 4563
38 Punta Dufour (Dufourspitze), 4634m; 147,3Km
39 Monte San Genesio, 832m
40 Nordend, 4609m


Location: Scanzorosciate (Chiesa degli Alpini) (411 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 26 November 2016
The pano shows, on the left, the Upper Town of Bergamo and, in the background, the Alps. At the far right you can see the Monte Rosa.
Unfortunately I was not able to avoid some branches.
5 photos; 200 mm; f6,3; 2,5 sec.; 200 ISO; with tripod.


I like the near and the very far away in one pano and the time of the day.
It seems there is no other place to avoid the boughs in foreground (?)
2016/11/27 16:31 , Steffen Minack
Exceptionally, this silhouette of even distant mountains over the lights of the venerable Bergamo.
2016/11/27 18:59 , Heinz Höra
I think the technical execution probably could be better, but, as says Heinz, the perspective is really exceptional. We see in the foreground a town of medieval structure and in the background, at a distance of over 200 km, the Alps....
2016/11/27 20:12 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Mi ero un po' spremuto a interpretare quello che vedevo, prima di scoprire le scritte e leggere "Wolken"...
2016/11/27 22:48 , Pedrotti Alberto
Stunning light, and great to see Corno Bianco and Monte Rosa again! These mountains have inspired me in October from Monte Zeda and Val Grande!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2016/11/28 16:36 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
La delicatezza di luce e delle luci. E la stupenda lontananza.
Saluti Wolfgang
2016/11/29 01:25 , Wolfgang Bremer
City lights, evening sky, and the Monte Rosa - what a combination! Cheers, Martin
2016/11/29 19:54 , Martin Kraus
Really amazing distances combined with a very nice illuminated town.
LG Jörg
2016/12/01 22:21 , Jörg Nitz

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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