Lago di Como   92723
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1 Monte San Primo, 1686m
2 Dervio
3 Menaggio
4 Monte Crocione, 1641m
5 Rezzonico
6 Il Motto, 849m
7 Monte Calbiga, 1698m
8 Monte Grona, 1741
9 Costone del Bregagno, 1905m
10 Cremia (Chiesa San Vito)
11 Monte Bregagno, 2107m
12 Chiesa San Bernardo
13 Musso
14 Rocca del Medeghino (ruins)
15 Monte Ganda Rossa, 2213m
16 Sant' Eufemia
17 Dongo
18 Cardinello, 2520m
19 Chiesa di Santo Stefano (Dongo)
20 Monte Duria, 2264m
21 Brenzio
22 Consiglio di Rumo
23 Pizzo Cavregasco, 2535m
24 Monte Sasso Pelo, 906m
25 Santa Maria del Tiglio
26 Gravedona
27 Naro
28 Palazzo Gallio
29 Pizzo Ledu', 2503m
30 Olgiasca
31 Pizzo Sasso Canale, 2411m
32 Monte Berlinghera, 1930m
33 Dorio


Location: Corenno Plinio      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 20 March 2016
Another pano of my favorite lake.

6 photos; 35 mm (full format); f8; 1/1250 sec.; 100 ISO.


Always great to see Lago di Como with the snowy mountains in spring - i like both ... Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como!

Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
2016/03/21 09:10 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
I like it!
Best Regards,
2016/03/21 09:53 , Christian Hönig
Grande Lago & Panorama ... :-)

2016/03/22 00:28 , Gerhard Eidenberger
Been there twice in summer. March seems to be better. Cheers, Martin
2016/03/22 20:53 , Martin Kraus
You are to be envied... :-)
2016/03/22 21:08 , Werner Schelberger
@Martin and Werner: many might disagree, but for my taste Lake Como is the most beautiful Italian alpine lake. It is not easy to find a clear day like this. In summer it is unlikely. In my opinion, the best days are in winter or early spring. It needs luck, or, if it is possible, it is better to make a weekend after seeing the weather forecast :-)
2016/03/22 21:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I thought so far that Bellagio would be the ideal place for a panoramic view of Lago di Como, because you can bring both shores of the Lake into the panorama. But could not capture even the Lago di Lecco on the tip of Dervio?
2016/03/22 23:20 , Heinz Höra
Hello Heinz. There is not a point from where you can see the whole lake. I think that the point from which you can see most of the lake is the Monte San Primo (see in pp pano 14396).
I think Bellagio is one of the best scenic spot in the lakeside. Bellagio is better to Dervio as a viewpoint. In the coming months I will insert other panos of Lake Como, which is quite close to where I live.
2016/03/22 23:47 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Giuseppe, I have made recordings for a panorama in autumn 2002 in Bellagio on the Punta Spartivento, but slides. I had scanned it years ago. I'll make time a panorama.
2016/03/23 18:43 , Heinz Höra

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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