Inside the San Lorenzo   33057
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1 Brecha del Comedor, 1960
2 Torres Feruglio, 2140
3 N.18329, 1969 m


Location: A nameless saddle (1795 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Chile      Date: 16-03-2014
The best way to undestand this panorama is to first find its location at 134° in N.18329. The present one is shot the day before, and has nothing to share with its predecessor. Surely not the weather, as the Betrachter may realize by himself. But also the access is completely different. Namely, the previous one was shot from a viewpoint which is rather eccentric with respect to the heart of the massif. Here, on the other hand, we are not far away from the normal route to the summit: the one followed by the party led by Father Alberto De Agostini for the legendary first ascent of the mountain, completed on 17-12-1943 after many previous recognitions and unsuccessful attempts. The Alpine stretch begins at the Brecha del Comedor, "the saddle where you eat", that is, a sort of "Frühstückplatz".
The access to the place is now made easier by the presence of the refuge dedicated to Toni Rohrer, a Swiss climber who died while attempting to ascend the mountain. The refuge is nicely maintained by Luis and Lucy Soto, the owners of the Fundo San Lorenzo. The walk takes three hours from Fundo San Lorenzo, and I foresee that it will become increasingly popular, now that it has been included in the most recent edition of the Lonely Planet guide "Trekking in the Patagonian Andes". In the book is is dubbed as "De Agostini trek": actually, the refuge is located precisely at the same spot where the Salesian priest had places his base camp.
If you want to access the trek, Lucy and Luis (who are in radio contact with Cochrane) will organize a pickup, either in town or at the fork on the Carretera Austral. But now the authentic adventurer needs to reach the Fundo by bicycle, maybe following the sheet that I was asked to prepare for the tourist office in Cochrane,
In the image, the refuge is hidden by the rocks right of the little lake at the margin of the little Comedor glacier.
In the reality, however, it remains invisible as well, because it is hidden inside a dense lenga forest, curiously skirted by the huge moraines of the glacier that you see down in the valley. A curious place indeed, where from the tree-line you can shoot an image like

8HF, Canon G1X, 28 mm equiv, f/5.6, 1/800 sec.
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Beside the picture I also like your interesting description. I would really love to try this trek by myself, maybe someday in the far future...
2015/10/29 09:01 , Jens Vischer
Sono immagini uniche. Purtroppo credo che lo capiscano in pochi.
2015/10/29 23:23 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Jens: at the time, your works were so useful for the planning of my tour, that it would be nice if mine could inspire you something...

Giuseppe: io ormai la considero una "cifra" (per rubare un termine ai filosofi) dei tempi presenti... Che ci vuoi fare, noi le nostre "nugae" le mettiamo a disposizione, e di piú non dico.
Detto questo (anzi: non detto, visto che appunto non ho detto), faccio notare come qui almeno quattro gatti interessati li si trovi pur sempre: da noi le cose vanno ancor peggio!
Guarda questo annuncio in un sito di scialpinismo dove io e altri siamo di casa:
Addirittura uno dei nomi che leggi sulla locandina è il fondatore del sito medesimo. Bene... considera un po' la selva di risposte, e stupisci!!
Saluti dunque e... ad maiora!
2015/10/30 16:35 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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