Colle di Val d' Elsa   132375
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1 Campanile del Duomo
2 Duomo
3 Casa Torre di Arnolfo di Cambio
4 Torre dei Pasci


Location: Colle Val d' Elsa      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: August 2015
Colle di Val d' Elsa certainly is not one of the most famous Tuscan towns. But the old town retains all the medieval character.


What happened to yesterday's town, Giuseppe? And which one was it?
2015/08/28 13:14 , Arne Rönsch
My heart says - i know it, i know it - but my brain remains silent ...
2015/08/28 13:14 , Christoph Seger
Don't know but I think somewhere in Toscana.
2015/08/28 14:02 , Mentor Depret
@Christoph: I know that you know.... You were very close.
2015/08/28 14:03 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Mentor: yes, it is in Tuscany.
2015/08/28 14:04 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Arne: The previous town had an error of stiching. I insert again.
2015/08/28 14:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Ein Hügel im Tal der Kurzform des Namens der englischen Königin?
2015/08/28 14:40 , Arne Rönsch
@Arne: I think you are correct. Bravo.
2015/08/28 21:31 , Giuseppe Marzulli
My brain is back !!
2015/08/29 02:36 , Christoph Seger
I apologize for the delay in the solution, but I was traveling and could not be present.
2015/08/30 20:15 , Giuseppe Marzulli
@Christoph: I saw with interest and admiration your views of San Gimignano. San Gimignano is only a few kilometers from Colle di Val d'Elsa.
In Italian "Elsa" and "Elisa" (Elizabeth the Queen of England) are two completely different things. But I realized that the answer of Arne was correct. At least I think so ;-)
2015/08/30 20:16 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Not an area where I could contribute much in solving the riddle. But apparently a very beautiful place. Cheers, Martin
2015/08/30 21:32 , Martin Kraus
Dear Giuseppe!
Thank you for your kind words. In German we say " Auch ein blindes Huhn findet einmal ein Korn" - I think in Italian you say "Talvolta anche una gallina cieca trova un granello"
Herzlichst Christoph
2015/08/31 12:19 , Christoph Seger

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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