Gran Sasso 360°   93921
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1 Rifugio Duca degli Abruzzi
2 Pizzo Cefalone, 2533m
3 Cima delle Malecoste, 2444m
4 Monte Corvo, 2623m
5 Monte d' Intermesole, 2635m
6 Monte Vettore, 2476m
7 Rifugio Garibaldi, 2231m
8 Corno Grande, 2912m
9 Monte Brancastello, 2385m
10 Monte Prena, 2561m
11 Monte Paganica, 2076m
12 Monte della Scindarella, 2233m
13 Osservatorio Astronomico Campo Imperatore
14 Hotel Campo Imperatore


Location: Rifugio Duca degli Abruzzi (2388 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 12 August 2015
Gran Sasso is a mountain located in the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The Gran Sasso holds the highest mountains in continental Italy south of the Alps.


That will help for the next riddle...

In fact I have never seen these mountains like this, thank you very much for showing, Giuseppe!
2015/08/23 22:47 , Arne Rönsch
This is a revelation to me to see the highest Apennines peak like this. thx Giuseppe!
2015/08/24 01:41 , Mentor Depret
Nice pano Giuseppe, I just found out that the max. visible distance shall be more than 300km to the Kamešnica in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
(from the peaks around)

ciao Steffen
2015/08/24 16:39 , Steffen Minack
Thanks for the comments. The highest peaks of the Gran Sasso not resemble too much to other Apennines. Maybe they have a vague resemblance to the Dolomites.
2015/08/24 23:55 , Giuseppe Marzulli
It seems very touristy - but a great viewpoint!

Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2015/08/25 11:27 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Da quel posto puoi puntare, per cresta, al grande massone isolato sulla verticale del Corno Grande - dovresti vederlo nell'originale. Di li' per il canalone della Direttissima (segni blu se ricordo bene) in quattro salti sali in vetta!
Saluti, Alberto.
2015/08/26 09:04 , Pedrotti Alberto
Very instructive - thanks for showing! Cheers, Martin
2015/08/27 19:39 , Martin Kraus
Very nice! Corno Grande is on my "to-do-list" ;)
2015/08/27 22:40 , Johannes Ha
Really fine to see a Abruzzen summit Pano here on p-p! Saluti Seb
2015/08/28 09:47 , Sebastian Becher

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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