Mersey Gateway Bridge Construction - May 2015   11978
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1 Mersey Gateway Visitor Centre
2 North Abutment (Behind the trees)
3 Bentonite Plant
4 Pier 10 North Approach Viaduct
5 North Cofferdam
6 South Cofferdam
7 Bentonite Plant
8 Concrete Batching Plant
9 Bridgewater Interchange


Location: Runcorn      by: Merseylink Limited
Area: United Kingdom      Date: 7th May 2015
The May 2015 update of the bridge construction.
Not long now until the trestle bridge joins in the middle.
Once complete work can start on the centre cofferdam.


Now I start to understand! The bridge we see right now is not the final one, this is only the construction to allow the installation of the central cofferdam! I guess we will have a lot of great pictures of this construction site for the years to come. And I do hope, that we will get a final top shot like the first one. For everyone interested see
2015/05/10 23:37 , Christoph Seger

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