Stare miasto - Rynek   73602
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1 Ratusz
2 Sukiennice
3 Kosciol Mariacki
4 Kosciol sw. Wojciecha


Location: Krakow (200 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Poland      Date: 18.03.2015


A very nice place!! Cheers, Hans-Jörg
2015/03/18 19:59 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Its iconic place in Poland, I think its a most visited touristic destination in my country.
2015/03/18 20:28 , Konrad Sus
Great, a pretty nice place and image. Some technical details would be nice too. KR Arno
2015/03/18 20:59 , Arno Bruckardt
Hello Konrad. I visited Krakow, but at the time I did not do panos. Krakow is very beautiful.
2015/03/19 00:17 , Giuseppe Marzulli
I did panos, when i vistited Krakow in 2013, but I did not have that blue sky.
At least I know that the Rynek is not easy to panoramize.
2015/03/19 12:27 , Arne Rönsch
Patriotyczne *****. Bardzo fajna panorama, az pozazdroscic. Zrobilem kilka podobnych wiele lat temu, ale nigdy nie opublikowalem (zawsze cos mi sie nie podobalo). Pozdrowienia, RR

PS Swoja droga kosciól sw. Wojciecha, nie kaplica.
2015/03/19 14:33 , RRady (Radek R.)
No, może i kościół, ale w porównaniu z mariackim to mała kaplica :)
Yes, its very hard to compose good panorama, many people walking (hard to take a shot without some person), buildings are close, what is a reason of many curves. I tried to do my the best as I can.
2015/03/19 17:54 , Konrad Sus

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Konrad Sus


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