Il Lago di Garda da Sirmione   43588
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1 Monte Spino, 1513m
2 Villa Cavazza (Isola di Garda)
3 Monte Pizzocolo, 1581m; 20Km
4 Toscolano Maderno
5 Monte Castello di Gaino, 840m
6 Cima Tombea, 1950m
7 Monte Capione, 1976m
8 Cima del Costone, 1743m
9 Monte Denervo 1463m
10 Gargnano
11 Cima Comer, 1279m
12 Cima Pari, 1988m
13 Dosso Piemp, 1207m
14 Cima d' Oro, 1802m
15 Monte Carone, 1621m
16 Montecastello, 779m
17 Cima della Nara, 1376m
18 Torri del Benaco
19 La Paganella, 2124m; 80Km
20 Punta San Vigilio
21 Monte Altissimo di Nago, 2079m; 42Km
22 Monte Baldo (Punta Telegrafo), 2200m
23 Garda
24 Rocca di Garda
25 Eremo San Giorgio
26 Corno d' Aquilio, 1545m
27 Bardolino
28 Cima Carega, 2259m
29 Cima Trappola, 1865m
30 Monte Plisce, 1991m
31 Monte Pastello, 1128m


Location: Sirmione (66 m)      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: Italy      Date: 27 December 2010
The Garda Lake from Sirmione.
Sirmione is one of the most famous tourist resorts of the south of Garda Lake. In the rare days of great visibility allows an amazing view of the lake.
8 photos; 72 (115) mm; 1/2000 sec; f6,3; 250 ISO; with tripod.


First I realized that this series has not the quality of your latest contributions. Then I looked at your description and everything became clear. What a view!
Herzlichst Christoph
2014/10/20 07:29 , Christoph Seger
Non mi stupirei se nell'originale si vedessero i ripetitori della Paganella.
P.S.: stavo per chiederti se avevi mai pensato a un panorama dal Pizzocolo.
Poi ho visto su APA che ci hai già pensato eccome!
2014/10/20 20:59 , Pedrotti Alberto
In my opinion, the best view of Lake Garda is from Monte Pizzocolo, but it is the top of a mountain.
Staying on the lake, I assure you that, although the pano has some defect of Youth :-), this is an uncommon view, because the days with this visibility are very rare in the south of the lake and distances are considerable.
2014/10/20 22:14 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Enormous mountain shapes over the very cold lake.
Greetings Wolfgang
2014/10/31 23:52 , Wolfgang Bremer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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