The Ganga at Rishikesh   33268
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Location: Shivananda Ashram Rishikesh (356 m)      by: Wolfgang Schmähling
Area: India      Date: 29.06.2008
This is the area where the Ganga comes out of the Himalayan mountains and moves into the vast plains of Northern India. As it is Monsoon season the waterlevel is very high. Naturally the majestic river didn't stop it's flow while I was taking ten photographs and I had to do some smoothening on the water surface. Along the banks you can see many of the Ashrams of the famous town Rishikesh where ghats (steps leading down to the riverside) have been built to allow pilgrims and tourists to take an auspicous dip in this holy river of the Hindus. On the left Ram Jhula, one of the two suspension bridges for pedestrians, cows, monkeys and scooters is shown.


Schöne Impression, 
und danke für die infomative Beschreibung.

lg christian
2008/07/25 10:41 , Christian Hönig
Klasse!! Vorallem die detailierte Erklärung!! LG Seb
2008/07/25 18:42 , Sebastian Becher
Tja, fließendes Wasser hat beim Panoramisieren schon so seine Tücken, hast Du aber gut gelöst. Ein faszinierendes Land, das Du mit einer tollen Info näher bringst.
2008/07/25 21:20 , Werner Schelberger

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Wolfgang Schmähling


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