Cahors   23640
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1 Pont Louis-Philippe
2 Pont Valentré
3 Lot
4 Cathédrale Saint-Étienne
5 Moulin de St James
6 Tour du Château du Roi
7 Tour du Pape Jean XXII
8 Pont de Cabessut
9 Château de Mercuès


Location: Mont Saint-Cyr      by: Giuseppe Marzulli
Area: France      Date: April 2014
Cahors (only 23.000 inhabitants) is the capital of the Lot department in south-western France.
Its site is contained on three sides within a U-shaped bend in the River Lot.

In the Middle Ages it was one of the most important French towns.
It was also infamous at that time for having bankers that charged interest on their loans. Cahors became synonymous with usury, and was mentioned in Dante's Inferno as wicked.

It is now a beautiful tourist town; in the surroundings produce an excellent wine that has the same name as the town.


Wasn't there a Pope, called "Fox Of Cahors" in the early 14th Century? I am not sure, it might be some Umberto-Eco-history...
2014/04/25 02:59 , Arne Rönsch
You are right. There was Pope John XXII who was born in Cahors. In the pano you can see the tower of his palace (label "Tour du Pape Jean XXII").

Umberto Eco sets his "The Name of the Rose" just at the time of the pontificate of John XXII.

John XXII was one of the most criticized popes in history. In Italy he had a bad reputation and Dante mentions him several times in the Divine Comedy with contempt.

I think that John XXII was neither better nor worse than other popes of that period. It should also be considered that Dante was a Florentine and that time between Florence and Cahors there was a strong rivalry.
2014/04/25 11:20 , Giuseppe Marzulli

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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