With Carpathian highest   73027
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1 Vychodna Slavkovska veza
2 Prostredna Slavkovska veza
3 Zapadna Slavkovska veza
4 Bradavica
5 Ostry Szczyt
6 Gerlach
7 Kupola
8 Zadni Gerlach
9 Vychodna Vysoka
10 Javorovy stit
11 Zlobiva
12 Svistovy stit
13 Maly Javorovy stit
14 Ganek
15 Vysoka
16 Rysy - Slovakian Summit
17 Rysy - Polish Summit
18 Niznie Rysy
19 Mieguszowiecki Szczyt Wielki
20 Mlynar
21 Szpiglasowy Wierch
22 Zabie Szczyty
23 Miedziane
24 Opalony Wierch
25 Swinica
26 Kozi Wierch
27 Granaty
28 Wlk Waksmundzki Wierch
29 Koszysta
30 Siroka


Location: Sedielko (2370 m)      by: Konrad Sus
Area: Slovakia      Date: 21.09.2011


Really impressive Konrad! Maybe a little less noise.. I beginning to find my interest at this mountains!

greetings Seb
2014/01/06 17:56 , Sebastian Becher
Great view. Are you sure the horizon is not leaning to the right? In any case, I'd be happy to see more... Cheers, Martin
2014/01/12 21:03 , Martin Kraus
Konrad, der Prielom ist "nur" 2288 m hoch und liegt links außerhalb Deines Panoramas.
Die Aussicht, die Du hier zeigst, hast Du aber vom Sedielko, dem Übergang vom Kleinen Kohlbachtal ins Javorova dolina, gemacht. Nach rechts sacken die Berge etwas zu sehr ab!
2014/01/12 22:39 , Heinz Höra
To Heinz 
Yes, its my mistake. Its view from a little bit above Sedielko.
2014/01/13 20:42 , Konrad Sus
Here also we have a horizon problem as Martin already stated.
2014/01/14 08:53 , Christoph Seger
I feel that I am getting addicted to your panoramas... but all "your" mountains are fascinating!
Is the "highway to Sedielko", whose preparation I saw in 2007, working?
2014/02/02 15:12 , Pedrotti Alberto
Yes, I walked in repaired trail. I`m surprised, that you were in so many places in Tatras.
2014/02/06 19:54 , Konrad Sus

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Konrad Sus


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