Koscielec |
Pasmo Lubania |
Zolta Turnia |
Pieniny - Trzy Korony |
Beskid Sadecki - Pasmo Radziejowej |
Wielka Koszysta |
Granaty |
Havran |
Zdziarska Vidla |
Hlupy Vrch |
Jahnaci stis |
Kolovy stit |
Kozi Wierch |
Ladovy stit |
Prostredny Hrot |
Javorovy stit |
Opalony Wierch |
Svistovy stit |
Mlynar |
Slavkovksy stit |
Bradavica |
Miedziane |
Gerlach |
Nizne Rysy |
Rysy |
Vysoka |
Koncista |
Mieguszowiecki Szczyt Wielki |
Cubryna |
Szpiglasowy Szczyt |
Koprovsky stit |
Satan |
Liptowskie Mury |
Strbski Stit |
Hruby vrch |
Gladki Wierch |
Krivan |
A really under-panoramised corner of Europe! LG Jan.
Aber das Panorama hat gravierende Mängel, die Jan teilweise schon genannt hat.
Dafür 4 Sterne zu vergeben, ist nicht angebracht. Da genügen doch anerkennende Worte. Es muß doch einen Mindest-Unterschied zu wirklich guten Panoramen geben.
- I was wondering whether the Lomnicky Stit is visible. Comparing the shape that it takes on from the Ladovy ( www.panoramio.com/photo/91998229 ), I got convinced that it should appear also here, little left of the Ladovy itself;
- I was also wondering what is the summit right of the Vysoka. At first I had thought it was the little Kopky, but due to it size it could actually be the Koncista behind. Never had the pleasure to see this Koncista in the reality, due to persistent mist, but according to the map it should indeed exist!
- I read in my Tatra diaries that on day, between Rysy and Miedziane, I ascended the Hruby Stit. Seeing where you place it, this would hardly be possible. Now I found a solution: On my map both "your" Hruby and "your" Spyglasow are called "Hruby", while the name "Spyglasow" applies only to the saddle between the spurious summit and Miedziane. Just for information - namely, here an error on the map (Bratislava, 1983) seems the most probable solution.
Finally, the "huge" problem stars / no stars:
- if the work receives a lot of stars, the danger is that the photographer rushes for a beer with his friends instead of correcting the problems;
- if the work receives few stars, the danger is that one day the casual surfer, maybe looking for "interesting" views from Poland, finds a maybe "technically perfect" (provided this definition means anything) panorama taken maybe from the top of a chimney in Katowice, rather than this one. Maybe he then asks us: Hey people, really everything OK with you??
I tried to estimate the impact of both problems *in this particular case*, and I made my choice accordingly...
Rechts von der Vysoka scheint tatsächlich die Koncista hervorzuschauen. Die Koncista kann man doch von der Straßenbahn aus als großen Rücken sehen. Da muß aber sehr viel Nebel gewesen sein, wenn Du sie nicht gesehen hast.
Deine Argumente für die Vergabe von 4 Sternen sind in solchen Fällen überlegenswert.
Let's have a beer on top of a chimney in Katowice.
Kind regards Christoph
Thanks for all comments,
Der Nebel war so: picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/TatraGlockner#5202458897953574722
Arne: that will be a memorable event indeed! It will be recorded as "the chimney beer", and the chimney since that moment will take on the name of "the Beer Chimney". Is it late to concatenate that beer and the other one of N.13733 in a single bicycle tour?
Konrad: the problem has nothing to do with megapixels and/or China (but I found some Japan on the Gerlach instead: www.panoramio.com/photo/97611987). Simply, the Krivan is too low with respect to the other mountains. Knowing how much the Slowak people like their Krivan, this could cause some unrest. Thus, the problem can be tagged as a political one indeed.
In five minutes you can reopen the stitcher, manually set two horizontal control points, say one Krivan-Rysy and the other Rysy-Ladovy and 90% the job should be done... It is like asking: please, set these three summits at the same level. Actually, the Ladovy is higher (as I learnt with disappointment when discovering if from what I believed to be the Ladovy, while it was only the Mali Ladovy), but it is also more distant...
Then, if you have one sixth minute, you open the panorama and, in case you find, say, "Curves" with some Auto button, this might work wonders for you, even before the minute is over. If it works disasters instead of wonders, you leave things untouched - but at least the political problem has been fixed.
Kind regards and good luck !
I havent got any panorama from chimney in Katowice, only near to chimney in my house :)
But yes, sometimes we agree to do this nevertheless - like a humble homage to a subject that we like and respect, such as these wonderful mountains.
Were it possible, only for this I would give you further 4 stars. I think that efforts towards perfection are more valuable than perfection itself - provided that the latter words means anything.
Of course, this is only my personal opinion.
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