Maja Rosit   155643
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1 Starac, 2426
2 Guri i Kuq, 2522
3 Bogdash, 2533
4 Pasji Vrh, 2405
5 Pcelin Krs, 2372
6 Hridski Krs, 2374
7 Vjeternik, 2461
8 Maja Rops, 2501
9 Tromedja, 2366
10 Maja Shpina e Bukur, 2464
11 Maja Bogicaj, 2404
12 Maja e Bardh, 2425
13 Dobra Kolata / Kolata e Mirë, 2528
14 Djeravica, 2656
15 Zla Kolata / Kolata e Keq, 2534
16 Podi e Kollatës, 2554
17 N.13679 (slightly hidden)
18 Maja e Djarperit, 2213
19 Track to Cerem
20 Valbonë road - fresh asphalt!!
21 Maja Thathe, 2400
22 Maja Hekurave, 2561
23 Maja Pecmares, 2461
24 Maja Qet Harushes, 2422
25 Maja Ismet Sali Brucaj, 2527
26 Maja Gruk e Hapt, 2625
29 Maja e Madhe, 2530
30 Valbonë road end
31 Maja Briaset, 2567
32 Maja Boshit, 2416
33 Maja Rogamit, 2482


Location: Maja Rosit / Rosni Vrh (2516 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Serbia And Montenegro      Date: 28-08-2013
I have at least a little bit of luck with this picture: Being the owner, I do not have to rate it, which would be really a problem, because the more I look at it, the more I realize that I do not know if I appreciate it or not.
Aesthetically, I only like to scroll the upper right, "Dolomitic" region, in the larger version, linked below, but here I prefer to show the whole image, for the sake of information, and not least to use the labeling facility as soon as I understand something... Namely, up to now I have understood very little. The Udeuschle rendering is very unreliable in the Prokletije, starting from the very height of the summit, which instead of the 2525 metres on which the maps and my GPS agree, is rated 2492 metres. But even the shapes of the mountains are highly unreliable - which aspect becomes even more evident in the part of the 360° which is not shown here - if you create the 360° rendering, find out what happens, for example, at 265°!!
As for the names of the mountains, the various sources, including Udeuschle itself and the apparently well-informed Summitpost, are more often than not in disagreement.
If two years before in the triple point Mongolia-Russia-China I had found minor discrepancies between reality and rendering (see the discussion in N.9762), in this apparently less exotic triple point Montenegro-Kosovo-Albania the topographical problems appear to be much harder!
Hope to understand something and to change the present lines accordingly in the near future.
Whoever knows, is begged to help!
Fernsicht-remark: the Udeuschle theoretical maximum distance lies in Bulgaria, Rila mountains, above the Rila lakes (see N. 13238), 283 km far from here.
17 vertical images, 70 mm (x 1.5), 1/320 sec, f/10.

GPS track:


Impressive mountainworld, the low-hanging clouds are very attractive. The quality of the photo is great as always. LG Fried
2013/09/22 19:24 , Friedemann Dittrich
Thank you for commenting!
Yes, I agree that the scenery is indeed a first-class one - to this aim, check the enthusiastic title that I chose on Panoramio. Why I am not fully satisfied, is hard to explain. Let me try: the particular lighting condition enhances the fight between the different greens of the two sides. In the reality, I did not perceive the difference to such an extent - maybe simply because I had to turn my head around meanwhile or, maybe, because I enjoyed the huge amount of sun that you see (...) only for few seconds. So, the disappointment comes only from the image betraying my memory; who was not there, of course, can neither feel, nor understand such a paranoia!!
2013/09/22 20:34 , Pedrotti Alberto
Great landscape, great scenery, great light. Congratulations!
2013/09/22 21:35 , Peter Brandt
spectacular! Saluti, Augustin
2013/09/23 00:28 , Augustin Werner
Great landscape!
Cheers, Danko.
2013/09/23 20:21 , Danko Rihter
really a bit "dolomitic"! well done!!
2013/09/23 21:57 , Michael Strasser
Incredible, unknown place. Would love to find time to such places one day. KR Jan.
2013/09/24 18:34 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Totally unknown to us "Westerners" - a little bit less to the mountaineers of the other side of Europe... Namely, in Bosnia and Montenegro I met several Czech, Slovak, Polish and also Bulgarian mountaineers and/or cyclists - all people, I guess, that now have been cut off the Alps by the foolish prices of our countries.
However, it is true that in the Prokletije I found no more than three other tourists in action. They were three young Polish mountaineers from Stettin and, curiously enough, we discovered to have a common friend, namely, another girl from Stettin whom I got to know in 2007 on the Ortles-Cevedale and that, few weeks later, I visited in Osnabrück, where she studied at the time. This originated the cycling stage Osnabrück-Brocken of which we were speaking few days ago... and also proves that the world is, under certain respects, somewhat small!
Incidentally, two days after the Prokletije, I was on the Lovcen in Montenegro. There I intersected the trajectory that I followed in 2003 cycling from the Brocken to Peloponnese... yes, these strange mountains definitely seem to bear some strange relationship with the Brocken!
2013/09/25 00:55 , Pedrotti Alberto
No need for so much understatement. Great view, even if handling of the contrasts is really a challenge here. Cheers Martin
PS: I see after completing the scrolling that you also use IrfanView ;-)
2013/09/26 21:06 , Martin Kraus
If I remember well, Irfan comes from Bosnia... So, at least for this travel, Irfan is indeed a must!

P.S.: what we pointed out in N.12709 remains indeed true. However, I find amazing to see how a general-purpose tool (as is IrfanView with respect to sharpening, without any slider to drag) can display such a good average performance, yet allowing people to save time - a resource which I rate far more precious than sharpness!
2013/09/29 01:33 , Pedrotti Alberto
The picture is great, I like it much. So many details, so beautiful colours, such a strange and unknown landscape - the Land der Skipetaren of my youth.

Regarding udeuschle: As far as I got it, he is using map models available to him. Geopolitical thinking it does not astonish me, that the Mongolian / Russian border region is better mapped than the remote southwest Balkan.

Regarding Irfan Skiljan: Thank you very much for pointing out his background. What a fascinating story! pp can be quite educating!

Herzlichst Christoph
2013/09/29 08:46 , Christoph Seger
Alberto, die bei UDeuschle berechneten Ansichten können für Albanien gar nicht so genau sein wie die aus den Alpen, weil die verwendeten Höhendaten der Alpen einen Abstand von einer Bogensekunde haben, während außerhalb der Alpen der Abstand 3 Bogensekunden beträgt Und die bei UDeuschle angezeigten Namen kannst Du selbst beeinflussen, indem Du bei entsprechende Einträge oder Korrekturen vornimmst. Der Gipfel oberhalb der Sedemte esera im Rila-Gebirge, der theoretisch zu sehen sein müßte, heißt Damga (2670m). Ich habe ihn jetzt bei Geonames eingetragen. Dann müßte er in ein paar Tagen bei UDeuschle zu sehen sein.
Christoph, ich konnte keine fasziniernde Story entdecken. Liegt vielleicht daran, daß ich kein "Westerner" bin.
2013/09/29 12:07 , Heinz Höra
Liegt vielleicht eher daran, dass der Balkan uns Ostösterreichern näher liegt ...
2013/09/29 13:47 , Christoph Seger
Dann bist Du also auch kein "Westerner" sondern sogar auch ein Ostler (edt.), Christoph. Doch trotzdem frage ich mich, welche Story Du gemeint hast.
2013/09/29 14:57 , Heinz Höra
Email folgt.
2013/09/29 15:43 , Christoph Seger

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Pedrotti Alberto

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