Cremona   33896
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1 Torre Palazzo Comunale
2 San Pietro al Po
3 Piazza Stradivari
4 San Marcellino
5 Raffineria Tamoil
6 Sant' Agostino
7 Galleria 25 Aprile
8 Piazza Roma
9 Chiesa del Foppone


Aufnahmestandort: Cremona      Fotografiert von: Giuseppe Marzulli
Gebiet: Italy      Datum: 10 February 2013
Cremona is a city in northern Italy, situated in Lombardy, on the left bank of the Po River in the middle of the Pianura Padana (Po valley).
It is especially noted for its musical history and traditions, including some of the earliest and most renowned luthiers, such as Guarneri and Stradivari.
In the distance there was a lot of fog, and I think that the horizon is right.


Giuseppe, didn't you once show us a Panorama from Cremona before? I can't see it any more. The tower is so high above the city it feels like you are in an airplane! Cheers, Augustin
26.04.2013 02:18 , Augustin Werner
Hello Augustin. The photo was taken by Torrazzo (Great Tower), 112 meters, which is the highest Italian historical bell tower.
I had already added the pano, but I was not sure that there were no errors stitching. However, I think now it goes well.
There is an Italian popular saying that says Cremona is the city of the 3 T: Torrone (nougat), Torrazzo (Great Tower) and Tettone (big tits).
27.04.2013 00:37 , Giuseppe Marzulli
buon lavoro ! HJ
28.04.2013 12:25 , Hans-Jürgen Bayer

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Giuseppe Marzulli

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