Jankhai Nuruu   103660
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1 Hatgal
2 Direction Murun
4 Direction Bajkal - Siberia
5 Jankhai
6 Hovsgol Nuur
7 Sagsagiyn Nuruu


Location: Jankhai Nuruu (2290 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Mongolia      Date: 11-08-2011
I have already presented Lake Hovsgol on this site, with another panorama taken from the Jankhai promontory - whose lagoon can be guessed from here as well. You should be able to locate the object under "Panoramas in the vicinity", since the region seems to be less panorama-crowded than, say, the Sass Pordoi...
To those who like these countries and landscapes, I strongly recommend to read the book "Men, Beasts and Gods", by Ferdinand Ossendowski, an amazing Polish adventurer who leaves Siberia at the time of the Russian revolution, in order to escape the red troops. While crossing the Sayan mountains, he also passes through the village of Hatgal, which can be guessed here, only sightly hidden behind a hill - see the label. Later on, he reaches the N flanks of the Tibet plateau, where he is forced by the continuous presence of dangerous armed bands to head back to Mongolia, where at the end in Urga (the current Ulaanbaatar) he meets the so called Mad Baron, namely, Roman von Ungern-Sternberg. This is another incredible guy who left Belarus in order to conquer Mongolia and to declare himself the reincarnation of Gengis Khan and of the Buddhist version of Shiva, namely, Mahakala, meaning "the big black" (compare with Makalu).
Jankhai Nuruu is the name that I have found on one source for this hill, a south-east forerunner of the Horidol Saridag mountain chain. To be honest, I did not find confirmation on any other source - maybe that one day I will need to change the title... Incidentally, the same is true for the name of my other recent Mongolian panorama, namely, the Bogn Hag Nuur of last week.

Larger: http://bit.ly/2B7wPqB
GPS track: http://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=21892486


Dry taiga...interesting with grass on the southfaces and woods on the northfaces. KR Jan.
2013/03/07 21:33 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Bellissima e molto interessante.
2013/03/07 23:33 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Looks a little bit like a classical european Lower mountains! gret Pano!
2013/03/08 12:50 , Sebastian Becher
Absolutely amazing landscape. Did you also came along some Edelweiss meadows ?? Are the trees Picea like ??
2013/03/09 06:45 , Christoph Seger
Amazingly different from your other Mongolian panos with its rather mild landscape. Very nicely displayed sky and clouds. Cheers, Martin
2013/03/09 08:12 , Martin Kraus
Amazing clear air. The landscape looks much less strange than I expected.
2013/03/09 23:02 , Jörg Braukmann
Superior panorama! Fascinating landscape, beautiful colors. Regards Fried
2013/03/10 05:33 , Friedemann Dittrich
Yes, the trees of this region are very similar to ours. The most notable exception that I found out is the Larex sibirica - the name speaks by itself. The tree can be seen here: picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Altai#5767713198853366162
In Mongolia virtually endless Edelweiss meadows are common. I literally mean that you are walking around, searching for a place to eat your packed lunch, and you cannot avoid trampling down such flowers. I should search the external disk for pictures showing meadows white of Edelweiss, on Picasa i find only a close-up: picasaweb.google.com/albertopedrotti/Mongolia#5798825335714865394 Everything looks like at home!
The sky is truly remarkable in the Hovsgol region. Actually, I suspect that this is more Siberia than Mongolia. It is a pity that the border point is closed since long time, so that it is impossible do design a tour encompassing the two "twin" lakes Bajkal and Hovsgol.
Perhaps issues like this one sound stranger to us Europeans than the trees and flowers that we see around!
2013/03/10 15:05 , Pedrotti Alberto
se non sbaglio 
il barone von Ungern Sternberg č anche un personaggio delle prime avventure di Corto Maltese. Hugo Pratt come pochi sapeva mescolare realtā e finzione in un unicum evocativo...
Ciao, Alvise
2018/08/13 10:01 , Alvise Bonaldo
Grazie dell'informazione.
Devo chiedere a mia sorella se č al corrente. Lei č molto piú addentro di me con quelle zone perché ha studiato russo e, di recente, ha messo su anche una piccola onlus per aiutare gli orfanotrofi della Buriazia, sotto il Bajkal, al confine con il mio Hovsgöl. Vedessi che bambini ci sono dentro... non so se sia la conseguenza degli esperimenti nucleari o di cosa.
Il confine Bajkal-Hovsgöl, comunque, perdura nella sia chiusura. Questo mi fa meditare che noi stiamo sempre a lamentarci di qualcosa, perō... A inizio settembre io dovrei essere ad accompagnare a un concorso di musica a Pörtschach, sul Wörthersee, che sarebbe il Bajkal del caso. Poi ho l'ambizione di andare a farmi Mangart, Jalovec e Skrlatica, quindi sopra i laghi di Fusine, che sarebbero lo Hovsgöl del caso.
Di conseguenza devo passare il confine... cosa che da noi si puō fare, da altre parti ancora no.
Beati Ungern e quegli altri che andavano dove gli pareva!
2018/08/13 15:17 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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