Bow of the Valtera glacier   34019
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1 5445 (on Kyrgyz border)
2 Borodkin pillar
3 5914
4 N.6898
5 Camp Moskvina, 4350 (n.6618,6080)
6 Moskvina glacier
7 Pik Korjenevskaya, 7105
8 Camp 6300 (N.9832,10106)
9 Valtera glacier
10 Pik Vorobiova, 5691
11 Advanced base camp, 4600
12 Pik Chetiriokh, 6299
13 Pik Ahmadi-Danesh, 6665
14 Moskvin saddle
15 Pik Clara Zetkin, 6680
16 Dangerous Ramp
17 Pik Izvestiya, 6840
18 PFP North Wall, 4500-6000
19 Pik Hohlov, 6640


Aufnahmestandort: Borodkin ridge (5200 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Tajikistan      Datum: 11-08-2010
All my previous panos from the Pamir showed the Somoni peak seen from the Korjenevskaya peak, or at least from that same side: here let me finally show the converse. I understand that the object is somewhat narrow for the taste of the site, but I dare to publish it anyway, because of an aspect that I like: namely, the strange impression that everything be falling leftwards. And, as hard as it may be to believe, in the reality this phenomenon is significantly more accentuated! Actually, I had to cheat and to "straighten" somewhat the composition in order to save as much as possible of the ridge dominating on the right...
The pictures are six, vertical, taken with the Powershot G9, short below the Camp at 5300 m on the Borodkin ridge, but well above the underlying ascending ramp which, exposed to avalanches as it happens to be, is by far the most dangerous stretch of the whole climb. That is certainly no place to stop in order to shoot photographs, let alone panoramas!
For cross-reference, in the description I have integrated the standpoints of the previous panos - trying to mimic by hand the linking facility of Alpen Panoramen. I think that the most helpful in order to understand the geography of the place is N.9832. Therefore, I have integrated the standpoint of the present one in the description of that one - just search at around 195°.


Bellissima veduta.
06.06.2012 20:11 , Giuseppe Marzulli
As usually a very special view from an awesome spot never to be touched by most of us ....
07.06.2012 18:10 , Christoph Seger
Yes, reaching this spot is indeed a long affair, but at least it is affordable also for people like me, because there are not the huge royalties of the most famous mountains like those in Nepal!
If you like the view, now I have it also in other lights:, 73379603. In these days, researching the disks, I am finding a fair amount of never-stitched panos.
08.06.2012 11:27 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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