Ahmadi Danesh, Clara Zetkin, Ismail Somoni   24535
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1 Pik Ahmadi-Danesh, 6665
2 Pik Chetiriokh, 6299
3 Recent avalanches
4 Pik Clara Zetkin, 6680
5 Pik Izvestiya, 6840
6 Pik Vorobiova, 5691
7 Pik Ismail Somoni, 7495
8 Pik Dushanbe, 6995


Location: Pik Korjenevskaja, Camp 6300 (6300 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Tajikistan      Date: 07-08-2010
This is a companion to N. 9832 and to the old N. 6004.
Since it covers only a section of N. 9832, I keep the description to a minimum.

Larger version: https://goo.gl/MKkx69
GPS track: http://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=22010278


Da far mancare il fiato (per l' altitudine, eh)....
2012/05/02 23:53 , Giuseppe Marzulli
Very fascinating. LG Robert
2012/05/06 16:45 , Robert Viehl

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Pedrotti Alberto

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