From darkness into light   81203
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1 Siula Grande, 6344
2 Yerupaja, 6617, 6 km
3 Yerupaja Chico, 6089
4 Jirishanca, 6095
5 Jirishanca Chico, 5446


Location: Laguna Carhuacocha (4125 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Peru      Date: 01-08-2019
Chronicle of an hour of dense life in Huayhuash.

1: 6 images at 05.45
2: 4 images at 06.05
3: 4 images at 06.16
4: 5 images at 06.18
5: 5 images at 06.19
6: 4 images at 06.23
7: 3 images at 06.31
8: 4 images at 06.34
9: 4 images at 06.39

Location of the central image: -10.24088 -76.86033


Fine presentation. At equator this process is extremely fast. In my flat mud-filled country, one of the few good things is the much prolonged sunrises and sunsets. BR Jan.
2020/03/22 13:14 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Normally, I do not like collages too much on this site, but this one is "scroll fun".
2020/03/22 13:16 , Arne Rönsch
Jan: at evening, 15 minutes at most to prepare the tent for the night!

Arne: indeed, let us say that the title cannot be realized otherwise...
LG Alberto.
2020/03/22 14:37 , Pedrotti Alberto
My mouth is still open after watching these fantastic pictures now for quite some time! Thanks for showing them all together, although each one of them would deserve to be shown on its own.

Alberto, I hope you are doing well in these dark times and you can reach out for taking pictures like this again very soon!
2020/03/22 20:47 , Jens Vischer
May the light return quickly - incredible series !!!

All the best, Hans-Jörg
2020/03/23 17:18 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Needed to look up Wikipedia to find the right spelling of "enneaptych". Great series, well worth capturing every single step. Cheers, Martin
2020/03/23 19:50 , Martin Kraus
Better perhaps triple triptych... enneaptych sounds too cacophonic!
2020/03/25 19:45 , Pedrotti Alberto
A spectacular series of shots, Alberto!
2020/03/27 11:54 , Johannes Ha

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Pedrotti Alberto

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