Punta Yanayacu   21242
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1 Huascaran Sur, 6768
2 Quebrada Ulta
3 Huascaran Norte, 6605
4 Laguna Yanayacu
5 Chopicalqui, 6356
6 Punta Yanayacu, 4850
7 Quebrada Ichic Ulta
8 Contrahierbas, 6036
9 Black tower, 5000 GPS
10 Panoramic summit, 4970 GPS
11 Chequiarajo, 5252
12 4926


Location: Punta Yanayacu (4880 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Peru      Date: 13-08-2019
Punta Yanayacu is associated, in conventional trekking terms, to the so called Ulta - Yanama trail. Yanama, in itself a wonderful village, on the road to the Llanganuco pass, is a classical start for the Santa Cruz trek. But some parties prefer to introduce this trek with a crossing from the Olimpica road to the Llanganuco road, going up the Quebrada Ulta, and down the Quebrada Ichic ("little") Ulta. Why the latter should be little, is not clear at all, especially seeing the present picture.
I took a completely different approach. After reaching Chacas from Carhuaz cycling though the 4890 m Punta Olimpica, and Yanama from Chacas cycling through the 4060 m Pupash pass, I was left the Llanganuco. But before tackling it, I reserved a whole day of trekking to Yanayacu, thus making a return trip via Ichic Ulta. The start of the trail is some 5-6 kms from Yanama, so I used the bicycle and - following advice from the village - I left the bicycle at the choza (hut) of an old woman. I left her a tip which was rather standard for ours, but somewhat rich for local standards... So, when coming back to the choza, already in the darkness (which in Peru falls with amazing speed), I was also greeted by an unexpected soup... And, the following day, when passing by again, while heading for Vaquería and Llanganuco, I was also offered breakfast, which offer I had to decline, having already eaten in Yanama, and knowing that the ascent would be still very long and tough...

Location: -9.09085 -77.52493
Larger: http://bit.ly/31qCWzM


Once more grand scenery. I have registered that this was briefly proposed as a riddle but had unfortunately no chance during a busy week to venture into the (for me) totally unknown. Cheers, Martin
2020/02/07 19:55 , Martin Kraus
Yes, I wonder if there was any chance of solution. Perhaps the only chance would have been to recognize the east wall of the Huascarán Sur, which however is not the most known aspect of the mountain.
Striking is the appearance, from this position, of the Huascarán Norte behind the saddle between Huascarán Sur and Chopicalqui http://bit.ly/2v8T6lz
But this cannot be appreciated at the panorama pixel size.
Cheers Alberto.
2020/02/22 09:20 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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