Thorung Peak   71646
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1 Jinjang, 6111
2 Manaslu, 8163, 66 km
3 Chulu W, 6419
4 Annapurna II, 7937
5 Annapurna IV, 7525
6 Annapurna III, 7555
7 Gangapurna, 7455
8 Syagang, 6026
9 Thorung La, 5416
10 Thorung Peak, 6144
11 Khatung Kang, 6484
12 Moon
13 Dhaulagiri I, 8167, 46 km
14 Tukuche, 6920
15 Dhaulagiri III, 7715
16 Dhaulagiri II, 7751
17 Kali Gandaki
18 Tashikang, 6383


Location: Above Thorung La (5601 m)      by: Pedrotti Alberto
Area: Nepal      Date: 24-05-2019
Highest point of the trek around the Annapurna is the Thorung La, at 5416 m. "World's biggest pass", is written on the sheet "Around Annapurna" published by Nepa Maps. Climbing a little bit the southern flank of the Yakwa Kang, 6482 m, the view opens also on the Dhaulagiri, on the other side of the Kali Gandaki, and on the Manaslu. Annapurna I remains hidden, as it always does, if one sticks to the trekking route. Actually, I could see it only once, during the detour to the Kang La, see N.25625.

8 HF, Sony RX10 III, 33 mm, f/5.6, 1/1250 sec
Location: 28.79727 83.94046


Amazing view, and did you do this alone Alberto, like in Peru?
2019/11/17 12:13 , Mentor Depret
No, I had a sherpa in the Manaslu+Annapurna trek, also because it is not allowed to do the Manaslu circuit alone. However, we had no porters, so I was carrying on my shoulders 23.5 kg (including the two cameras) for the whole 21 days.
Here, however, Sonam remained down at the pass, so I climbed these scree slopes without the 23.5 kg, carrying only the cameras and little more.
Cheers Alberto.
2019/11/17 16:50 , Pedrotti Alberto
Wonderful. LG Niels
2019/11/18 10:49 , Niels Müller-Warmuth
2566m between your location and the highest visible peak - this is now approaching a scale that is also available in the Western Alps and thus more easily susceptible to our imagination. Still wild... Cheers, Martin
2019/11/18 20:03 , Martin Kraus
An interesting criterion! According to it, the Mera Peak is still more alpine, since it is dominated by a height of only 2387 m. Which further decrease to 2327 for the Island Peak.
2019/11/19 23:22 , Pedrotti Alberto
Wonderful composition.
2019/11/21 20:27 , Arne Rönsch
You always seem to find the perfect spots for panoramas in these remote areas - congrats!
2019/11/22 17:11 , Michael Strasser

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Pedrotti Alberto

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