Sorrento Point   12811
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1 Howth promontory
2 St Begnet
3 Dalkey Island
4 Martello Tower
5 Sorrento terrace
6 Bray
7 Killiney Obelisk


Aufnahmestandort: Sorrento Point (50 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Ireland      Datum: 21-04-2015
The Betrachter is urged to consider (even studying, if necessary, the panoramas in the Umgebung) that this is not the true Sorrento!

GPS track:


From the athmosphere this seems equal distance from both the true Sorrento and the Irish West Coast. Strange place indeed. Cheers, Martin
24.04.2016 16:17 , Martin Kraus

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Pedrotti Alberto

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