Maja Karanfili   145045
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1 Maja e Kofacit, 2490
2 (Buni i Jezercës)
3 To Liqeni i Mjelsave
4 Maja Bojs, 2461
5 Big Cave
6 Maja Lagovjet
7 Maja Vukoces
8 Maja Fortit
10 Yuzhni Karanfil, 2441
11 Veliki Karanfil, 2490
12 Severni Karanfil, 2460
13 Popadija
14 Talianka
15 Karanfili Ljuljasevica
16 Trojan
17 Karaula


Aufnahmestandort: Maja Rosit (2516 m)      Fotografiert von: Pedrotti Alberto
Gebiet: Serbia And Montenegro      Datum: 28-08-2013
The mighty Karanfili ridge divides the two big valleys draining the Montenegro side of the Prokletije, namely, Ropojana and Grbaja.
Karanfili is the name of the carnation flower; here it is depicted in a no-color, no-description panorama...
No-color by choice, having seen with a certain surprise that I have not been banned from Alpen Panoramen after the black-and-white 23908.
No-description due to lack of reliable information, since the Karanfili seems to be, among the various subgroups of the Prokletije, the most widely unknown to the Udeuschle rendering. Maybe the comments to N.13881 and can explain to a certain extent this point.
If in some future I will happen to gather some reliable information, I will put it into the picture. This, of course, if I will not have been banned meanwhile from Panorama Photo due to the BW experiment...
14 vertical images, zoom 70-300, 100 mm (x 1.5), 1/320 sec, f/10.


Absolutely no reason for getting banned here, Alberto :)
08.10.2013 08:24 , Jens Vischer
le montagne in fiamme ... 
... una bella fotografia in nero bianco! Tanti saluti, Hans-Jörg
08.10.2013 11:30 , Hans-Jörg Bäuerle
Thank you, but meanwhile there has been a case of self-banning here...
Namely, I had set the horizon with an eye on the very rough outline of the Karanfili supplied by Udeuschle, but the result looked out very skew.
Now I have reloaded the image with a hopefully better orientation. I used as a reference a 360° panorama ( which is in good agreement with the rendering on the Albanian side, where Udeuschle seems to be more reliable. This can be seen as an attempt to export topographic reliability across the state border...
08.10.2013 13:59 , Pedrotti Alberto
Dear Alberto. I am not a B/W-fan, but don't feel constrained in any way. KR Jan.
08.10.2013 16:31 , Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen
Dear Alberto 
With your pictures one can become a b/w fan. One technical question: You convert the pictures to b/w when you develop them before the stitch or the complete pano after the stitch. Backgound: Not having tried myself such operation yet, I assume that it is important to keep as many shades of gray as possible and as long as possible - alike we deem it necessary to enter the stitch process with 8 bit or better 16 bit TIF images.
Herzlichst Christoph
08.10.2013 21:27 , Christoph Seger
I think that you are making a little mistake here: I mean, you seem convinced to speak with an expert in BW-panoramas, not with one who, up to now, has produced three or four objects of this sort!
I realize that in modern times this is actually the rule: with a camera in your pocket you already claim the title of "photographer"; similarly, after three trials in this or that you already claim the title of "expert"... But I don't recognize myself that much in similar beliefs.
This said, I have always converted to grayscale after, not figuring out any advantage in doing this before. I am checking now, but I do not find information about BW-panoramas in the Bible, namely, the Bredenfeld book.
09.10.2013 17:58 , Pedrotti Alberto
Hi Alberto
No problem, if you have no answer. I am astonished, that you get this result with a a posteriori B/W transformation. To me this indicates the high quality of the starting material ;-)
09.10.2013 23:24 , Christoph Seger
I have to ask my "Panoramio friend" Homaris.
He seems to be truly engaged on the subject:
09.10.2013 23:55 , Pedrotti Alberto
Homaris has gently described his method: see comments to
16.10.2013 22:29 , Pedrotti Alberto
Thabks for asking! Let's see how far it gets me :-)
16.10.2013 23:09 , Christoph Seger
To correct. 
At right You`re labeled Visitor - wrong. And Plav valley - also wrong. This summit is Trojan, and to the left, smaller are Popadija - where from I made panorama.
02.02.2014 16:56 , Konrad Sus
I cannot believe that there are so few errors inside here!
Thank you for collaborating - I promise you one beer at Morskie Oko
for each name that you add or correct in these panoramas...
I guess that the number of beers will be such that it will be better to stop during the descent from the Rysy, not during the ascent!
02.02.2014 17:27 , Pedrotti Alberto
There`s is only one problem about beer at Morskie Oko - last year I promised myself, that I will not go to Morskie Oko next in 10 years. I hate that road - stink of horses, huge crowd. Maybe better idea to have beer is anywhere in Tatras, but not at Morskie Oko.
03.02.2014 20:33 , Konrad Sus
Oh yes, I noted those problems, but I thought it was because of the date - August 15.
Well, I have in mind many other beer places which are likely to be free from tablet-equipped Westerners or any other silly species of tourist.
Umoljani on the Bjelasnica could be a good example:
As you see, the provisions in loco are good...
07.02.2014 04:34 , Pedrotti Alberto

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Pedrotti Alberto

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